Wall Mart is now doing custom framing!


PFG, Picture Framing God
Founding Member
Aug 12, 2000
San Diego, CA
Hadn't heard about it, apparently they have a web site set up like Art.Com. Bring up Wall Mart, then look up "For the Home" then click on "Decor". Then click on "Framed Art"

You can choose mouldings mats etc.

This has got to be bugging the big box operations.

I really hate to say I told you so....oh wait, you not my wife...

About 12 years ago there was a test frame shop inside a wally but the framer was paid by another name that was more tied to framing....

And if that wasn't all enough....this is the most painfull blow of all:

The Horror of it all!!

But I didn't see anything that alluded to WallyWorld... but then John, you have the new eyes.
Under FAQ
Can I frame a print I already own?
No, we cannot frame outside artwork.

Can I purchase unframed artwork?
No, we sell this artwork only framed.

Can I purchase just a frame, mat, or glass?
No, we do not sell these individual components on Walmart.com.

So, it's sorta custom...

I looked at the properties of the images to see where they came from and they are linked to www.artinaclick.com From the looks of it, you just order it from Walmart.com and apparently Art in a Click furnishes the finished product. Although Walmart is selling it for a lower price than Art in a Click is.
I'm not scared. :rolleyes: If someone wants to do their "custom framing" at Wal-Mart, then they would probably not be a customer I would want to deal with. Yea, tho' I want all the customers I can get, I do not fear the Big Box or the legions that try to mimick them. I trust in the good customers who put their faith in me, and I serve them with all that I can offer at no more than their souls can afford.

What else can you do? Other than what we do everyday....good service....fair prices...and awesome work. You can't make everyone see "the way".

Joy ;)

As Popeye says' "I yam what I yam and that's all that I yam." If they don't like yams then to **** with 'em.
I do not think it is much of a concern to us (independent custom framers), I think it's people like Hobby Lobby, Aaron Brothers, Michaels, etc. that it will affect the most. Just can't see our type of customer going to Wall Mart for their framing. I know it is not a full custom framing service yet, could lead into it though.

I kind of like the idea actually, perhaps the big boxes will end up doing each other in.

I noticed this around two weeks ago - so it's been there at least that long. Sorry, I didn't post about the find. Personally, I'm not too concerned (for now) and just figured it was par for the course. I don't think they will put too much of a dent in things at first. You have to find it on their site first or know it's being offered.
I have noticed that Wal-Mart is doing more "custom" offerings. An example of this is they must be contracted with a printer in Pea Ridge, AR to do high school shirts, sweatshirts and hats as of this year. You ask what this has to do with framing? For the last couple of years I have noticed they are looking for expansion products - like when they went into fine jewelry. The high school products and on-line framing are just the latest.
Their US sales need a boost so this is just one route of many they may be taking to stay "fresh".
Oh well......
Yup. I agree with one of my favorite philosophers--John Baker--let the big box stores have a go at each other. I'd like to see a dirty, aggressive fight. Maybe it won't take long for them to conclude their floorspace is more productive dedicated to some other activity. Fact is even people of modest means who routinely shop at big box discounters require assistance if they have a treasured piece they want to showcase in a nice frame. The big boxes work on thin margins and quick turnover of off-the-shelf goods. Even if they outsource, customer service is required. And when you outsource there are likely to be more "communication" mistakes that result in unhappy customers.
The only competition Walmart has with framers is the price. But you get what you pay for... They are selling framed prints with fillets and matting but they look like junk. Some of it looks good from far away but really there is no comparision between our work and theirs. I agree with katman on the customer service issue, I also doubt many people will trust their family heirlooms to walmart...

Our February and March were banner months for custom framing, and similar to you, what we produce doesn't look anything like the images we all just examined at Walmart.com. However, it's important to realize that we are catering to a smaller and more defined percentage of the market, and that our customer base <u>has changed over the past 20 years!</u> Preframed art and framing is availabe to the everyday consummer in dozens and dozens of locations around us.

As we redefine ourselves, it is really important to understand the changing landscape and accept a few basic facts...

1) Chains, big boxes, Home Decor stores, music stores, sporting goods shops, discount stores, and mail order catalogs etc. probably now capture 60-75% of the overall framed art market and 25-30% of the custom framing market.

Originally posted by Angie Pearson, CPF:
...They are selling framed prints with fillets and matting but they look like junk. Some of it looks good from far away but really there is no comparision between our work and theirs...
2) Some people can't tell the difference and never will.

Originally posted by Angie Pearson, CPF:
...I agree with katman on the customer service issue, I also doubt many people will trust their family heirlooms to walmart...
3) Some customers don't care about that customer service difference. They've shopped where there is no such thing so long, they've become trained to shop on price alone.

After looking over the section Betty suggested (FAQ of Framing) I think what they are aiming at is a more extensive PRE_FRAMED art section. I also think they are attempting to give themselves the appearance of being Knowledgable FRAMERS and ART DISTRIBUTORS.

e.g. What is a "Designer Frame"?
A Designer Frame is an outstanding mat-and-frame combination that was created by an experienced frame designer to fit a variety of home decors and personal preferences. There are three Designer Frames on the item page. One is in the image on the left side of the page. The other two are on the right side of the page under "More Designer Frames."
These ready-made choices make it easy for you to choose the right framing for your art. As an alternative, you can also select your own mat-and-frame combinations by clicking "Customize" on the item page.

To my understanding they are offering a very limited choice of teatments while insinuateing that their THREE choices will suit most home decors.To my estimation they are giving the illusion of CUSTOM while makeing you choose from what they say is best.To me that is a PRE_FRAMED ART sales gimmick and doesn't even approach the simplist CUSTOM FRAMER.

I just spoke with PPFA about an add I am going to run that defines what a CPF is and what the PPFA is and why shops that offer both are to be sought over those who pretand to be the same.

While everyone here maynot be PPFA or CPFs I think the key to this competition is to differentiate yourself from the false CUSTOM impression they are attempting to give.

Even one of the Burger Joint big names advertises "HAVE IT YOUR WAY" as opposed to take or leave it ,even if they offer 3 choices.
PS In an advertiseing seminar I once attended we were told to reapeat your name and what you said to establish yourself as "THE EXPERT". So if we don't contradict their adds they will be the CUTOM FRAMING EXPERTS and we will be the high priced immatators.After all the public will be hearing and reading their EXPERT"S explanations frequently if not all the time.
I wonder about copyright infringment on these recently painted oils. Some of the artists are still living.
Dave, you mean on those "assembly line" paintings? Just which "artist" would the copyright go to? LOL

If it was not generating a profit, Wall Mart would not be doing it.

I noticed in the advertisement for the oil paintings they gave a price then said how much you saved. A Van Gogh went for around $250.00 with a frame and a like amount was stated as your savings. At least they did not claim you saved twenty five million dollars.

Yeah, I would be glad to sell a 16x20 starry nite for $250. It would fit in at a COMS of well under 20%.
Originally posted by John Ranes II, CPF, GCF:

Our February and March were banner months for custom framing, and similar to you, what we produce doesn't look anything like the images we all just examined at Walmart.com. However, it's important to realize that we are catering to a smaller and more defined percentage of the market, and that our customer base <u>has changed over the past 20 years!</u> Preframed art and framing is availabe to the everyday consummer in dozens and dozens of locations around us.

As we redefine ourselves, it is really important to understand the changing landscape and accept a few basic facts...

1) Chains, big boxes, Home Decor stores, music stores, sporting goods shops, discount stores, and mail order catalogs etc. probably now capture 60-75% of the overall framed art market and 25-30% of the custom framing market.

2) Some people can't tell the difference and never will.

[/qb][/QUOTE]3) Some customers don't care about that customer service difference. They've shopped where there is no such thing so long, they've become trained to shop on price alone.

John [/QB][/QUOTE]

John- you make very good points. I realize this is true and I also scared about what could happen to framers in the future. We all just need to remember though, that there are also customers out there who care about what they get and what they pay for. Yes these places are a great threat, that is why being as skilled as possible is important and is why we should try to surprise the people who are not used to the customer service with great service. There are also a few competitive frame lines out now like Larson's arquadia for those people who are not willing to pay much for frames but still want them to look nice. I'm not saying this will satisfy all the people who want things as cheap as possible, but maybe it will save some of them. Well good luck to all who might have to deal with this. ~Angie
WOW! I never would have thought about Styrene "Linen" liners.

Man, I'd sure like to see one of them starey nights...
In Las Vegas Wal Mart is putting a custom framing store in called " Framing Us." You can pick frames out and they do have a large selection. You can also choose what kind of matting and glazing you would like your frame completed in. They do have a Wizard matcutter in the store and they gaurantee that your custom framing order will be completed in a week. Hope this info helps out.
Which Vegas Walmart has the frame store? I would like to stop by and take a look next time I'm in vegas.
I would guess that the frame shop opening in Vegas is not actually owned or run by Walmart. Walmart does lease out spaces in their Super Walmart stores and has sought out framers in the past for the space.

At one time a few years back, If someone were to lease the space they would have to pay a % of sales for that location as well as any other location within a certain mile radius of that store. Walmart brings the customers in and you run the business.

Same thing for the Eyeglass place and other "shops" at the front end of the sores
Tim I have no real technical knowledge of the contractual agreements that Wal Mart and any outside contractor may enter into .However I did see a frame shop operateing in a Wal Mart a long time ago ( before this most recent development) and I do know for a fact that the Framer wasn't working directly for Wal Mart but for him/her self in some leaseing arrangement.

That Wal Mart has been changed to a Super Wal Mart and the Frame shop is no longer a leasee.Furthermore there never was or is any other Framing outlets in any of the many Wal Marts in this area. At least not yet. However there is a new Super Wal Mart being constructed just 2 blocks away from my current location( shceduled to open in JUNE).I will keep an eye out and let you all know what develops.

I recently (yesterday) emailed Mr Joshua Kaufam Esq. and invited him to give an opinion about wether the add Wal Mart or Art.Com is posting is in fact in danger of being considered Infringement.

In amazement and to Mr. Kaufman's credit I have received 3 replies thus far.I also invited him to join in the the thread or at least TFG, but thus far he has declined. Hopefully maybe he can give opinions about other topics that don't present any conflicts with his Firms clients. So maybe if any of you have other questions you can email him privately.
I asked for and received permisssion to FWD his response which I think may come as a bit of a surprise to some includeing myself.

Mr. Kaufman replied in his third message and is followed by my request to him.

Yes you can tell them. But what I said was that Wal Mart is a firm client I do not counsel Wal Mart other members of our firm do on other type of matters.

Joshua Kaufman, Esq.
"Counsel to the Creative & Innovative" ™
Chair, Copyright, Unfair Trade and Entertainment Practice

Attorneys at Law
575 7th Street, NW
Washington, DC 20004
Voice 202.344.8538
Fax 202.344.8300

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Note to clients: This e-mail may contain attorney-client privileged communications, and the privilege may be lost if you forward or disclose to third parties. Please exercise due care. When in doubt, consult your attorney.

From: CDrago3453@aol.com [mailto:CDrago3453@aol.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 06, 2005 10:38 AM
To: Kaufman, Joshua
Subject: Re: Wall Mart is now doing custom framing!

Mr. Kaufman am I allowed to inform the other registered memebers of TFG that I have asked you to give an opinion and what you have replied?

I think they would be very disappointed at not having you correct any misconceptions they might have but I think they would be even more interested in Knowing that Wal Mart is couciled by yourself.

Please let me know if I can FWD your reply to the TFG.
Charles BUDDY Drago