Tired of the same old windows

Mike LeCompte CPF

MGF, Master Grumble Framer
Jul 20, 2005
Knoxville TN
I'm really over my windows. Switch the art, put in the shadowboxes, dance all over again. Look just like your competition only you know your stuff's better.

I'm looking to ds something different. Maybe suspend strips of BIG Roma or LJ moulding from the ceilings so they look like they're floating? Get some nude mannequins holding big mirrors so you can't see their intimate parts?

I don't know Maybe even leave the windows bare.

Just want to do something "out of the box" so I don't look like every Michael's Joannes or other competition in town.
I have a strip of rm mats glued randomly together along the top of the window (about 18") high. My windows are 12' high

For about $1.50 you can get plastic table cloths in different colors and drape them as a background.

A couple of years ago I painted a sofa, side tables and lamps on the wall (back of the window) and hung framed art in appropiate locations.
Next week I'll be using up the leftovers to do small mirrors, hang them back to back and dangle them from the ceiling in my box window. The air circulation in the window slowly spins them around, and on a sunny day it catches the eyes of people driving by or those that stop for the occasional train and crosswalk. Sure hope it doesn't blind anyone.
pre cut paper mats.......... arranged in random pattern as a border........ assorted colors, openings and sizes......... 5x7 through 11 x 14

like pick-up-sticks......
Three 8 ft. easels fill my 20 ft. storefront window. I have always wanted to fill them up with nice frames, including decorated mats & fillets, as well as a few plain frames, with no art in them -- only white boards.

After a few days I would put something colorful in one of them. And then another in a few more days, and so on until the window is again full of framed images.
Frame a flat-panel monitor with a big monster gold frame and run a looping slide show on a pc hooked up to it. Should draw attention and give people the idea of framing thier Plasma television over the mantle at home. Just a thought.

How about showing the stages of a frame package been made up.

1: The sample of moulding
2: The moulding sticks
3: The frame part made up say two sticks V-Nailed and the other two beside it
4: A sheet of mount/mat board with a cut mount/mat laying on it…
Etc.Etc. Etc> and so on until you show the final finished frame….

What you are showing is that what you are selling is truly custom made……and you are giving your customers a glimpse of the craft that you are able to provide…..you could do the presentation with some real materials and photographs……

Just some rambling thoughts as we wrap the kid’s presents from Santa…

Take care and have a very happy, peaceful and safe Christmas…..

Dave, are you talking about the plasma idea?

Let me know offline who it is if I know who it may be. I have been conteplating an idea with a plasma/LCD screen
LCD screen....got it...love it. For some dumb reason I haven't put a price on it. I'm sure I could have sold it 15 times.
A friend of mine didn't give much thought to her windows until I pointed out that she is on a very busy street and she was not using a very important form of (free) advertising to it's fullest.

I worked out some ideas for her, and she has had many new customers in her door because of the effort.

You can use the Wizard to make some eye-catching signs, BTW.

example: I loaned her some of my stitchery, added some plants to the display for interest, and made a sign "Needlework a Specialty". Another window featured mirrors with a "Custom Mirrors" sign.

A few ideas for after the holidays: an "equine art" display. I'll be loaning her a saddle, boots, etc. along with some framed ribbons and she will display horse art. Wine: a table and chairs set up with wine bottles and wine/food art. She has empty wine bottles she was thinking of suspending or using somehow. Wedding: use a wedding dress as a focal point to advertise photos and invitations. Graduation: cap and gown and advertise diplomas. etc, etc, etc.

She has discovered using props grabs the attention of passer-bys, then they notice the art. Art by itself wasn't getting attention. But if someone is a horse person, planning a wedding, or has a child graduating, it's gets noticed.