Source for Slate/Granite Photo Frames?

Amy McCray

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Dec 3, 2002
North Prairie, WI
While visiting Rock Mtn. Nat'l Park in Colo. last year, we stopped at a very nice gift shop in Winter Park. They had the nicest slate (or granite) photo frames!

I have been unable to find a source for these particular frames. A google search did not come up with the ones I saw there.

I'd love to be able to call them and ask but I don't recall the name of the shop. I believe they said they were made in Montana or perhaps Idaho. Anyone have a guess as to a possible source?

Thanks much.
Rack my brain, rack my brain...somewhere back aways, here I think, there was a thread about those, and the website....Or did I get it in the mail? Seems like I saved it, they were really beautiful! Rack my brain...I'll look in the bottomless pit of the file cabinet when I get to work. Hold that thought. I know I saw a brochure, or something, about those!
Thanks Richard; the link provided info for concessions within the park. This is a shop in downtown Winter Park, which is approx. 45 min. from RMNP itself.

I bookmarked the site, though for future use. Great info! Thanks!

Thanks for checking, Val. These were unlike any other stone frames I have seen. Breathtaking. It may have been Wyoming where they were made, too. Not sure.

At the time, my brain was focused on getting a book w/ back mountain hiking trails. Oh my gosh, at 9,000 ft. I thought my lungs were 90 years old on those trails. No doubt my brain was equally affected by the altitude. At least that excuse accounts for one week of fog.

Amy, I've searched all over and can't find it. Seems I saw it here, but can't find it in the search thing, nothing about slate anything, which is weird, because we talked about hanging a piece of slate just a few days ago.

I'll keep trying. they were very unusual, and I remember thinking I'd like to carry them in the shop at some point, so I must have the info somewhere!! Racking brain some more....
I tried googling both and didn't come up with anything, but thanks for the suggestions.

I did a google search for "stone picture frames" and came up with a bunch of links. You'll have to sort through them.
Pretty much the only photo frames I do not make myself are made from slate, granite and 'stone' from
D&J Simons They are incredibly cheap and very popular I realise a UK supplier may not be much use to you, but they are a massive company and maybe they can give some pointers.

(Could not find these slate frames on their online catalogue)
I could nip down the corridor and tell you this darling, but 'By The Way' here is abbreviated to 'BTW' (as a rookie grumbler I thought that it stood for 'Back To Work')

But seeing as we met as penpals, this is such a good way of communicating.

Thanks Rick. I think that link will take me where I want to go. That's what I was looking for in my google search, but it didn't come up.

Thanks John. I'll give that company a try as well.

Amy, I still haven't found anything, but just got an Ah-HA! :eek: I think. Rick's website address reminded me. I believe the folks that had those slate frames were called Terra-something. Don't know if that helps any, and don't even know if I'm right, haven't finished my first cup of coffee yet (hey, it's only 9a.m. here and I worked until 11 last night, give me a break!) I looked under but got a "website is under construction" thing.

Why don't you call a shop who's name you recognize from the Chamber of Commerce website there and ask them, I'll bet they'd know.