
My God you're quick David . As fast as i noticed it said F A R M E R in stead of Framer and deleted it you had alreay answered my error. But maybe you can figure out why I made the Fraudian slip.

If nothing else it proves how slowly i type .I couldn't even correct the error before you replied and i went right back to it.
All i can do is apologize as much as I am trying to stop doing that so much. But maybe everyone can see why I do now.LOL
LOL! I laughed too, you beat me to the deleation and I then had to change my reply! (I type slooooow as well)
Anne thanks for the seaway. I actually misread a pop-up on AOL and misquoted it and before I could delete it David replied. then before he knew I had deleted it with an n explanation of sorts about my error. You at least were the recipient of someonelses mistake.

That brings up what I hope will stop any further remarks about my ignorance. I hope it does this by saying that your reward " a year free Yellow pages" is so much more than I got from a local phone directory that I am wondering what others would expect for the same typo errors in the yellow pages.

When I pointed out that they listed the wrong address in my add they offered to run a retraction statement in a weekly newspaper two issue in a row. I reluctantly agreed ,but I don't think that was fair.

The Misprinted add remained for a year ( or more ,depending if someone kept their old directory) and they felt two spot adds in a low circulated weekly retracted all the mistakes . how do the rest of you feel and what would y'all have done.
I'm not sure what I'm reading and I'm reasonably sober right now.
Jay being sober has always been a handicap when trying to understand one of my post. LOL

In an effort to give you a reason to drink, let me try to explain.

I misread a pop-up on AOL that listed Jobs that were endangered .Reading too fast and having Framing on my mind I misread FARMER to say Framer. I posted a note to look at this link and then noted my ignorance. before I could delete it David had replied pointing out my mistake. However before he could really respond I had deleted it so we both complemented each other on being very observant and quick to correct the error while we both begged forgiveness for typing so slow as to allow comments before we could make correction. Then when Anne seemed to catch the error ( I guess she was either more sober than you or just used to my mistakes) I thanked her for giving me a FRANKENTHREAD to distract any further comments about my ignorance but You seemed to have not taken my lead.

Is that more information than a sober person cares to have?I was hoping not to have to bore everyone with another of my mistakes.
If you mix an Elephant and a Rhinoceros you get an Elephino (trying to follow Anne's lead).

Sorry, my sobriety has worn off.

Never mind the man behind the curtain.

Carry on.
My license plate has been a "vanity" one for many years now. It is (big surprise) FRAMAR.

One of my friends asked me one day why my plate read "FARMER."

Buddy, if I ever have the honor of meeting you in person (and with Marie's permission, of course) I would like to give you a great big hug!!!
There was a sign in a local field that said "Custom Farming" At first I thought "what an odd way to advertise a new business. Wonder if they are PPFA members?" Then I read it again...
This is the funniest thread I have read in a long time. LOL Thanks for the chuckles!

Continuing with the Frankenthread: Sue and I once got one-year's FREE ad in a local yellow pages book because they had listed our business under MY name instead of our business name.
Interestingly enough we got some new customers from that because people thought we were a home-based frame shop and therefore a new one to try.

What is Custom Farming???
My first frame shop was built onto my house, with the store front where the garage used to be. Out front was a large, carved redwood sign that said FRAME SHOP. Instead of having a front lawn, I had my, tomatoes, squash, cabbage,sunflowers, etc. My kitty designated himself as the official greeterat the shop door.

One day a woman and her little boy, probably about 8 years old, came in and while she and I were busy at the counter he was looking around the shop, under and behind stuff and out the sliding glass back door that led to more garden...corn, beans sunflowers, etc. His mom asked what he was he was doing. He said "Looking for the cows". She asked him why on earth did he think there would be cows out there? He said "Well, the sign out there says FARM SHOP, doesn't it?". I still get a grin out of that one, and often refer to the shop as that.
See I knew I gave in entirely too easy. two spot adds indeed. So far two of you were given a YEAR free.

Framar I hope the hug is because you like me not because you feel sorry for me.LOLBut I'll take it either way,with Marie's permisssion of course.LOLWe are never seperated you know .Poor lady ,and she doesn't even have to read my drivle.( she knows better than to try)LOL

Jay I couldn't help but wonder to geta sobrity to where off do you partake of the hair of the dog?That might explain a lotthat has gone by.LOL
Originally posted by BUDDY:
Jay I couldn't help but wonder to geta sobrity to where off do you partake of the hair of the dog?That might explain a lotthat has gone by.LOL
Ok its early morning and my sobrity has certianly returned (again). I'll wait untill tonight and try and re-read this to see if I understand it.
There was a sign in a local field that said "Custom Farming" At first I thought "what an odd way to advertise a new business. Wonder if they are PPFA members?" Then I read it again..

Didn't you realize that the sign was supposed to say:


Now, everybody knows what these folks do... ;)

Dave Makielski
After reading this thread I think I need to get drunk LOL
I shouldn't have had onions on my hamburger.

Custom Farming is one of those businesses where you pull up to a roadside stand and say, "Hey, got any sugar snap peas?" and they say, "No, but wait here and we'll go grow some for ya."

[ 05-07-2006, 06:58 PM: Message edited by: Ron Eggers ]
Reminds me of the time the Yellow Pages put in "Conversation Framing" instead of conservation framing. I guess we were advertising that we were the "talk of the town".


YP gave us no concession even though they never provided us a proof.

Dave Makielski
Ron and Dave, do you realize that you both typed framing when you probably meant to type farming. Too funny!

By the way, custom farming is someone who is providing custom plowing services to other farmers who might not have the right equipment to do it themselves. Different crops require different types of tilling and field work. It can also be used to describe custom combining for harvesting certain crops. Alot of farmers don't harvest their own, they call in a combining service to do it for them. The equipment needed is expensive so it's cheaper to pay someone to do it for you.
I don't get this much response when i post a serious question. I guess that says a lot about my questions doesn't it. Or maybe it says a lot about what all you care to talk about. If so don't go over to HH . I got told to take my reply to WARPPED on HH when I gave my opinion about the Validity of "The Davinci Code" when Vivian Kistler suggested capitalizing on the Book's notoriety by carrying DaVinci type art.

I told them I guess I knew where I belonged and Ormond and Betty concurred.( about where all three of us were happier.)
We need a rule here. Nobody should be allowed to reference any HH posts because it makes me go back and wade through the 3000 + emails I have to find the topic.

But I went back and looked. Yall were right. I haven't read the book but I believe the controversy is because of the stance it takes against common Christian teaching.

Without debating theology lets just look a simple fact. Most studies claim that Christians make up between 75%-80% of the US population.

The advice was given that we might market to a group of people that tend to side with this book (between 20%-25%) of the population and not only attract that group but possibly repel the overwhelming majority.

That might be the dumbest thing I have ever heard!

That kind of talk, Buddy, makes you look like a seasoned wordsmith.

I could be wrong but I don’t remember similar advice about the Passion movie.

Carry on.
I don't know how carefully you did that wading or if this will make any difference ,but there were some very heavy hitters that suggested that my comments were out of order and that I might be missing a golden opportunity as suggested by Vivian. Take another look at the negative replies I got.

However in a way there was some justification ,in the phrases Coined on TFG,since I did FRANKENTHREAD Vivian original concept. Just as we could be doing here But this post is open ended since it started with no topic at all or more correctly yet another mistake I made in the eyes of others. LOL

Man I could need a whole forum of my own for that sort of thing.
I read every single response.

I don't think you were out of line. A questionable suggestion was made. You called out the fact that it might be an error to put that blemish on your shop. Your opinion is as valid as anybody else’s. It’s the pretentious threads like that one that caused me to not post even once there. I’m sure they are glad about that!

If you ask me, Buddy, you would have been out of line if you remained silent.
Originally posted by Jay H:

If you ask me, Buddy, you would have been out of line if you remained silent.
But Jay, that is exactly what they want you to do there. You are supposed to just read the words of wisdom and agree with everything like lemmings no matter how wrong that wisdom may be.

I may change my mind one day, but right now I can say that I will not be a part of that communistic approach to communications.
Jay and Jerry you two along with Myself and Ormond and Betty aren't the only Grumblers that frequent HH. As a matter of fact occasionally some of the most respected grumblers are also found on HH.

I really wish you ( Jay) wouldn't take the approach "It’s the pretentious threads like that one that caused me to not post even once there" If for no other reason ,I could use the support when I do things like that post.

And Jerry I disagree with your comment " You are supposed to just read the words of wisdom and agree with everything like lemmings no matter how wrong that wisdom may be."
( despite what I said on HH in a Facetious way)

For example what feelings would this comment give you if you were me, about My opinion of the validity of the books contents?

"I may be one of just a few million, but found the book intriguing and
entertaining and suspect the movie will be, also.

But, then, I understand that some framers will go into Museums and critique
the framing on the art. (Come on, you know it's true) What's that old
expression about the forest and a few trees

Vivian's post was an attempt to try and capture some of the hype and buzz
generated by this work for our own good."

Or did I once again misunderstand some very good promotional advise from some very sharp people?
Some of my ignorance is going to show. I know what custom farming is (especially with my husband spending over $100,000 on one combine alone, not to mention all the other pieces of equipment - UGH!), but what is HH?

HH is Hitchhikers, the PPFA's email bulletin board for framers. It is available to to PPFA members. I get it but I really haven't looked at it much lately. I should probably just unscribe since it just clogs up my inbox and I find the format hard to follow. You can never really get into a good discussion the way you can with the grumble when you have to go back through several days worth of emails to see who said what.
Originally posted by AnneL:
You can never really get into a good discussion the way you can with the grumble when you have to go back through several days worth of emails to see who said what.
I agree it is just too cumbersome, plus the "Big Brother" type censoring that takes place.

Anything really profound that is brought up there always seems to find it's way here.
Originally posted by BUDDY:
I may be one of just a few million, but found the book intriguing and
entertaining and suspect the movie will be, also.

I actually enjoyed the book and I feel confident the movie will be good also. It should be along the lines of National Treasure.

Unlike a large portion of folks, we enjoyed it based upon it's FICTIONAL value.

The real controversy here is the fact that you should have been able to speak your mind without reprisals.
I read that Buddy.

In Décor they claim that the book has sold over 30 million WORLDWIDE. That number might make you weak kneed but its not that large considering there are 60 billion people on Earth.

Ok so most were sold in the US. I’m going to some serious speculation here but I’ll bet 1/3 of the 30 million books were sold in New York, California, and Florida. Lets just say that leaves 20 million for the rest of the US. There are over 11 million people in Ohio alone!

What’s this rambling about? I believe these numbers help to illustrate exactly how small time this book is and the movie too.

If we are to use the same simple logic that the original poster used, we would all be flaming idiots for not having Jesus items on every shelf in the store. I have read that there are 10 million copies of the bible sold every single year in 1200 different languages. And is the best seller year after year after year.

This is even more speculation (or educated guess) but I would suggest that if you are any of the 80% of framers in middle America, you would be segregating yourself from the mass population of your city by showing specific support for such a controversial topic.

Perspective is everything and perhaps if you were in Seattle and you were looking to snag one or two customers, it probably wouldn’t be fatal to use the momentum from that movie to gain a new customer. I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that if you were pull that crap in Owensboro KY, Kodak TN, Mt.Vernon IL, St. Louis MO, Concord NC, or any of the other ‘boros’ or ‘villes’ around the US, you would certainly send an unpleasant message to the masses.

That, Buddy, is how I would keep the topic business related. This movie will come and go. It’s no big deal or even the next big thing. Fans of that movie will come to you with the weak marketing or not but because its soooooo controversial, I think it’s ill advised to ask you to risk separating yourself from 75% - 80% of the population that at best is neutral on the subject.
Janis ,Anne and Jerry I 'm going to play devil's advocate here ( no pun intended) I truly think HH is a valuable tool and I think considering Merrill monitors and owns it all by himself his tight control may be necessary. I don't know about all of you but some of our unwanted guest here on TFG can try my patenients at times.

But back to my tip. You have two options to control that email thing on HH first subscribe to the digest form which doesn't send every email only the jest of the topics. ( personally I want to know who said what and when and to some degree why.)

And another tip to uncluttered your regular email is compose a secondary Screen name that is ONLY given for PPFA and HH .Then when that Screen name gets mail you know who it is from. Also the bevy of messages don't clutter your friends messages.

But as much as I got my draws in a bunch at that suggestion and some of the other replies .HH does serve a very valuable asset to Framers.

It's just that some of them just like here ( and some are here0 think they are just a little superior to common folk like me.

But the biggest irritation was to insinuate that if my comment wasn't worthy of one of their consideration I should take it to TFG's Wrapped .It almost seemed like they felt superior to others. They may have more knowledge but their attitude and manors leave a whole lot to be desired regardless of who they are.
Recently on this thread I posted a note from HH where I was suggested to take my opinion of the "DaVinci Code" to "Warpped ". Some found HH cumbersome and too regulated. While I had a problem with that reply I would like to say I have received at least two personal thank yous from other HHs (Bev Tiger
Tiger Lily
Mary Myhre
Myhre's Custom Framing
Coeur d'Alene ID)

for the "FWD I think you should like" post,which I posted here and on HH as well as to some friends.
I am not sure if they are also TFG members but that is more to the point. We of TFG and HH have a lot of the same people .So it is not the forum that makes some say what they do ( Pro or Con) but the individuals,as these two and Betty Newman and Ormond ,all of HH so aptly proved. On the other hand some ( be they members in good standing of HH and or TFG) can say some of the harshest things ,which IMHO are caused by their personal attitudes and not when and where or to what they are replying.