Software stops after Windows XP updates

Rick Bergeron - CPF

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Aug 18, 1999
Canistota, SD USA
Lost Cajun Chateaux
I installed a small program downloaded from Microsoft. Immediately afterwards, a Windows screen pops up saying that a required system file has been corrupted.... Insert original Windows XP installation CD.

I pull out the Windows XP Home CD, insert it, and it commences to re-install the entire operating system. Finished a bit over an hour later.

Next thing is that the new installation must be activated.... the 6, 6 digit codes on the telephone game.

Done.... One application requires a new license code due to new system. Obtain new license code and all appears OK. Software all functional. Microsoft Office Pro 2003 all OK.

Connect computer to internet and download all Microsoft updates.... 35 or more of them.

After that, 2 important software applications have problems. One just does nothing except blink the hourglass for a split second. The other begins to install Access2003 instead of launching.

Perform a system restore to the time just prior to MS updates and All is fine.

The final dilema appears that I cannot install the MS updates that were published since the XP install CD was burned without causing trouble with the two applications. The computer is Dell Dimension 3000, XP Home, 512MB ram, 40GB hd, etc 51 weeks old. There are no virus or spyware. Computer is only connected to internet for the length of time that it takes to download MS updates... and then, I must bring the computer home from the store to use the highspeed connection.

Where do I go from here? My first guess is to bring the machine home and install the updates singley(sp) until the problem occurs, but don't really want to go through that headache if there is a simpler solution. I have not heard from either software vendor yet with suggestions or comments regarding negative interactions with any MS updates.
Rick, first question - were these updates installed prior to the system file corruption? If the computer isn't normally connected to the internet then you may just want to skip it. Otherwise, unless Google finds something about which MS update to skip then it's all trial and error at that point. But I would Google the app and something like "MS security update" to see if you find something before trying them one by one..

Second question - what was the original app that caused all these problems to begin with?
Hi Steve,

The Microsoft updates were the last thing installed. Before the updates, software functioned normally. After the update, Visualization Software will not run at all. The POS runs with problems. I suspect the main underlying issue is with the re-installation of the operating system rather than with the applications; though Access2003 has never seemlessly coexisted with Access2002.

The only reason the computer is not currently connected to the outside world is that Verizon DSL is not available in town.
I agree with Steve to track down the program that initially caused the corruption, and check their tech support database to see exactly what happened.

As far as visualization software not working, this is likely due to the re-install of the OS. Most visualization products make use of the registry and some other system files, which may have been reset when you re-installed. You may have to re-install the visual s/w, or just re-enter the registration key, depending on the product.

Visualization: By no means do I mean to imply software problems with it. That's why I don't feel it fair to expect the software vendor to devote significant programmer time to the issue; and why I look here for suggestions.

Application required new registration after Windows re-install. Done w/o any problems & fully functional.

Application uninstalled and reinstalled after Windows re-install. Fully functional.

Microsoft updates (35+ updates). Visualization will not launch at all. System Restore to the point just prior to MS updates and all appears normal.

Assumption on my part is that the OS reinstallation corrected any problems with system files.
Since you didn't immediately say the visualization program was IF, I might assume that you mean PIF. If that's the case, PIF uses Microsoft's new .NET run-time library to function. I suspect that the security updates are breaking .NET.

Now that I think about it, PIF stopped working on my test box recently as well. I initially chocked it up to the PIF programmers detecting my domain of WIZARDINT and just quiting
but I think I'm having the same problem. I would go ahead and call Truvue and ask them if there's an update to PIF that fixes this problem, they may have had to make a change to accomodate MS's "fix" (I've had to do that several times myself in the past).
If you need tech support for PIF, please contact the vendor directly (LifeSaver, not True-Vue). They'll get you up and running to repair whatever was damaged, whether it was from the original issue that caused you to re-install windows, the re-install of Windows, or damage to .net.

We have 3 copies of PIF, using all current Microsoft patches, and no issues. Anything is possible, but I seriously doubt it. Don't be shy to call, that's what tech support is for.


PS: It might be a good chance to request the new version, too.
OK, I'll bite the bullet that I was avoiding and restore a complete system backup from Sept 2005. The only changes since that backup are PIF installation and POS updates which are painless to take care of. Not being an XP power user, restoring a full system backup is uncharted ground where the first time is always the most nerve-racking.

According to the LS folks, the Sept 2005 is the latest authorized version of PIF.

There are times when I think I want my TRS-80 Model 100 laptop back.
That would put me into "old-fart" status and I still have 2.5 months before I get there.
We have 3 copies of PIF, using all current Microsoft patches, and no issues. Anything is possible, but I seriously doubt it. Don't be shy to call, that's what tech support is for. [Smile]
I think I may have found the problem... PIF doesn't seem to like .NET 2.0... at least on my box. Rick, I don't know which updates you installed to break PIF, but on my other test box PIF worked fine even after I installed all the security updates and service pack 2. But after .NET version 2.0 went on, PIF just runs then quits.

The easy fix would be to just install Integrated Framer, er, I mean just uninstall .NET 2.0 but on your box Rick I don't know which app is requiring 2.0 to run. Its a complicated mess for sure.

There are times when I think I want my TRS-80 Model 100 laptop back. [Smile] That would put me into "old-fart" status and I still have 2.5 months before I get there.
Hey.. the first computer I ever wrote a program for was a Trash-80.. does that make me an old-fart too?
(though I'll admit I was only 10 or 11 at the time).
I've been told for years that turning 50 officially puts a person into "old-fart" status. My first Trash-80 was in '78; availability was limited in S. Louisiana at that time, with a waiting list. Since then, there's been at least one computer, of some type, in the house at all times.

Before restoring the Ghost backup, I might go through the update process one by one just to see what happens. All I know is that I selected every available update (Operating System, Office2003, hardware, etc) clicked GO and went away for a while. It's just a pain to cart the box back and forth for its twice a year update, only to cause more trouble than expected.

Lieberman's Art Explorer also uses a version of dot net, I think; but it was not affected by the version 2.0 download.

We're happy with PIF and I never got to evaluate IF; the demo CD package arrived without a CD and I didn't feel like waiting on another because I knew y'all were tied up in Atlanta and related chores for a while.
never got to evaluate IF; the demo CD package arrived without a CD and I didn't feel like waiting on another because I knew y'all were tied up in Atlanta and related chores for a while.
ouch.. that's the first time I've heard that's happened - those disks come prepackaged from the replicator. I would have overnighted you a new disk or sent you a link to download it if I had known.

I just brought the machine home and the NET v2.0 update is confirmed to be the culprit of all the problems. Uninstalling the Net2.0 update doesn't correct the problem it causes. Uninstalling net2.0, uninstalling PIF, reinstall PIF does not correct the issue either. System restore to immediately prior to Net2.0 update and then reinstaling PIF does get things back to normal.

Installing all other Microsoft updates go without a glitch... and everything works fine.

TNX Again, AND I didn't mean to make the IF comments online. That issue was out of your control and should not have been aired publicly.
Hey no problem Rick.. just to be clear I wasn't saying "ouch" about your response, I was saying it 'cause I know I'd be a bit disapointed if I ordered a CD and the case it came in was empty..
talk about embarrasing..

If you've gotten your March issue of PFM you'll find a another demo cd for you to try, and this one's the latest version too.. ;)