Shiny spots on black moulding


True Grumbler
Jan 28, 2005
Papillion Nebraska
'Kay, haven't had to do this before but I just got in 4 flat black chops and they have shiny places on them. I vaguely remember reading that 000 steel wool will buff them out so I did a search but didn't find anything. Want to make sure that I am remembering correctly and that there isn't anything else I need to know before I try this. As usual, any help would be greatly appreciated!


It will definitely buff it out but only do it if you want it looking satin finish.
What you really need to do is get replacement chops sent asap from your supplier if the chops came to you in that condition.
Thanks for the link Eric, I have read all the advice and saved for future reference.

Scott, since they sent me 4 separate chops with the same problem, my concern was they will send replacements with the shiny spots also but will give it a try before using the steel wool.

Thanks again!

Yes, I was refering to the second from the last post in the link that you posted. No sense saying it twice. I just yesterday saved a frame using the Designer flat black paint from Michael's - after I made the shine bigger with steel wool. The moulding may have been from the same supplier.
key word when doing this is " L I G H T L Y"
like you are doing it to a baby's but!!!! abything heavy will cause scratches & otherugly effects.