Questions about Pro-Spray system

Bob Doyle

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Jul 14, 2002
South Berwick, Maine
I have just opened up and started using the Scotch Pro-Spray and have some questions about it. Like where is the toxic vapor spray cloud I am used to standing in? (I've been using the VacUMount spray for over two years)

Serious questions though, How long do you typically but it in the Vacupress? How long do you have to wait before putting the print onto the fomeboard? The directions say "when dry" but how long is that, typically? I don't see it coming out, don't really see where it has made contact with the back of the print (like with the VacUMount I almost always saw that oily shiney film, where did it go?)

Do people using it like it, what kinds of issues have you had with it (both serious and lighthearted - like applying it to the front instead of the back - not me, nope but um like if I did how do I get it off now?!)

I thank you for reading and answering these questions!
I have two questions myself.

Does everyone who uses the ProSpray system use a vacuum press? I'm thinking that one of the advantages of the system is that you wouldn't need that 800-pound workbench taking up space.

Also, is Kennebunk just like Kennebunkport (sp?), but inland?

I've been using the ProSpray system since it was introduced and love it! I have no mounting press which is why I got the system in the first place.

They tell you in the directions that the adhesive is dry enough to put down when you touch it with your knuckle and it feels tacky.

Once it is down "it ain't never comin' up"!

Clogging has been an issue because I don't use it that often but overall It was a good move for me and I don't miss the fumes at all!

I have a press and am going to be using the Pro-Spray as well. As for the wasted work room space, I've had drawers made for my press and use it for incoming storage. The drawers are HUGE! I love them.

As to the diff between Kennebunk and KPort. Depends who you ask. Being an outsider trying to make a buck in the town I would say they are very similar, both seem to be stuck in the early 70s 80s and want to pay framing prices from those days! Actually I really like this town, but the sidewalks really do roll up at 5 pm. and Kennebunk seems to be the town that Kenebunkport goes to for services, ie gas auto repair doctor visits, while Kennebunkport has the expensive clothing stores and assorted tourist traps. (and associated high rents!)

But the ProSpray.... previous topics mentioned people really liking it. albeit the issue with clogging, any other nightmares? My lungs feel better already just knowing I won't be breathing the VacUMount anymore.
So much to love about the Pro Spray system, but I still use my vacuum press to do wheat starch rice paper mounts, and RC photo mounts. The space under the press is my fabric storage space. Plus, the space over the press lid can capacitate a shelf to hold all your various mounting thingies and stuff...

Brian, please explain how you use your vacuum press for starch hinges. That process (done that way) is unfamiliar to me.)

Once it is down "it ain't never comin' up"!
Ok, sounds like spray mount in a can to me.

I'll stick with my hot/cold press and PMA.
It is spray mount in a can, but a much finer mist and practically zero overspray.

There is also LESS of a chance your lungs will dissolve from the toxic fumes of spray mount...water soluble doesn't hurt either, makes cleanup LESS of a chore!!

Originally posted by lessafinger:
Ok, sounds like spray mount in a can to me.

I'll stick with my hot/cold press and PMA.
I'm looking for an option beyond PMA. Reading the fine print on the PMA they say that shouldn't be used for things over 1 pound, or with color laser prints, due to the oils and silicon and such.

I have had things come back that were PMAd down and had bubbled, (usually due to heat). Plus PMA is pretty pricey in comparison to canned sprays. Just no where near as deadly!
I have just recieved this from my supplier can any one confirm?

"This note is to advise that the Pro-Spray range of adhesives has been discontinued."
I asked about the Pro-Spray system in Atlanta at the United booth -- was referred to the 3M booth. 3M folks said it was being discontinued.
Maybe there's a lesson here: Don't rely on a system or process that requires proprietary refills.

At least with a heat press or vacuum press, you can use adhesives from a variety of manufacturers. Even my Mat Maestro can use Wizard blades.

If I had purchased the Pro-Spray system, and I've been considering it even though I have a Vacuseal press, I'd be a tad annoyed. It's not a $1000 investment, but some framers have depended on it for the primary method of permanent mounting.
Why is it being discontinued does anyone know? I really really don't want to go back to using toxic sprays, or PMA, HELP
("I just received a notice that it is indeed being discontinued. Refills will be available while supplies last.")

I "almost" bought and started using the Pro-Spray system about a year ago, but, i felt the price of the glue was
rediculous! I just had a feeling it would be discontinued.....
I just received United's very last tube yesterday. I was on the phone for a while after that. I called 3M and they gave me some leads on where to buy remaining stock. I now have maybe 6 - 8 months worth of glue. I really can't believe they would dump the best product we have had for permanent mounting! I guess now I will buy a heat press and start crying about ruining my customers work like some here on the Grumble have. Add to that the cost of press, plus the cost of films or the foamboard that has film already applied.

No by God I'm NOT going down that road! I will find some other means of doing what I need to do.

There has been a huge amount of product that I love discontinued in the last 2 months. The real moral to the story is, If I like it, it will soon meet it's demise. I really like WallBuddies now, I guess it is just a matter of time!
Don't be surprised if 3M re-introduces this product in the future. It's a great product, but just didn't sell enough to justify its cost.

Maybe there are just too few of us who recognize the benefit of a non-lethal spray adhesive that works on almost any kind of surface, with almost no overspray, or preparation, or cleanup.

Maybe part of the problem is that too many framers think it's just too good to be true, or like Less: "Ok, sounds like spray mount in a can to me. I'll stick with my hot/cold press and PMA."

Pro-Spray is (was) unlike anything else on the market, and I'm gonna miss it.
I have a few cases of both sizes of cartridges available for sale if anyone wants them. I am also willing to sell my gun. email me at