One other thought... simply knowing your local competition and being confident in your prices is a nice, stable thing. Customer comments depend upon their frame of mind, so to speak. The same customer who blasts you for being expensive today may be shocked at what a deal they are getting tomorrow. Take a customer from this week... she comes in on Wednesday and is hot to have 4 oversized photo portraits framed. Unfortunately, they don't exist yet. She will have them from the photographer on Friday and wants to know how quickly we can frame them. We tell her Saturday. She's bummed, and says "ok, if that's the best you can do." So, we order the materials and they come in on Friday. She brings 3 photos on Friday (there is no 4th). We frame them up and call her today... "Wow! That was FAST! I can hardly believe it!" It was like we never even promised to have them done so fast.
wtf? Are you the same person? Same person, different day. Makes it tough if you react to single comments.
wtf? Are you the same person? Same person, different day. Makes it tough if you react to single comments.