price check

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One other thought... simply knowing your local competition and being confident in your prices is a nice, stable thing. Customer comments depend upon their frame of mind, so to speak. The same customer who blasts you for being expensive today may be shocked at what a deal they are getting tomorrow. Take a customer from this week... she comes in on Wednesday and is hot to have 4 oversized photo portraits framed. Unfortunately, they don't exist yet. She will have them from the photographer on Friday and wants to know how quickly we can frame them. We tell her Saturday. She's bummed, and says "ok, if that's the best you can do." So, we order the materials and they come in on Friday. She brings 3 photos on Friday (there is no 4th). We frame them up and call her today... "Wow! That was FAST! I can hardly believe it!" It was like we never even promised to have them done so fast.

wtf? Are you the same person? Same person, different day. Makes it tough if you react to single comments.

Is that what i think it is??? Or did my mind fill in those letters with the wrong "what the curse" thing? I have been know to do that so...I had to ask

Patrick, that's what I thought it was too, never even considered it might be something else. LMAO! Well, WAS it that, Johnny?? (I hope so! I love that saying, use it often myself, usually privately,!) you including complimentary hanging in that price???


Dave Makielski
Originally posted by Jerry Ervin:
In military radio jargon, that would be "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot".

Didahdah dah dididahdah/ dahdidah.

didit/ didahdah didah dididit/ didah/

dididit didit dahdahdit dahdit didah dididahdit dididahdit dit didahdit/

Uh-oh, John, we're doing it again...better meet me over at warped on "Meandering Points of Interest Among Friends" or we'll be in trouble again, like yesterday! :eek:
Well, here's the thing about "wtf"

I've been chatting online since 1983. Lots of terminology has come and gone over the years. I make a daily pass on quite a few boards now-adays and "wtf" is used really frequently on just about all of them.

It's like when I was a kid. I never would have dared say that something "sucks" to my parents. Because, yaknow, what does that really mean? Now kids say "that sucks" to their parents all the time and it doesn't mean what it used to. That's what has happened with "wtf" It's used with such regularity on the internet the "f" word doesn't even enter into ones consciousness when using it... it just means a state of incredulidity. It's original meaning has gone the way of "sucks"

So, in light of that, I hope you understand my unintended crasness and sorry if I offended anyone.

I gotta figure out how to post without having to apologize a few posts later.
We've come a long way from "price check".

Perhaps it's a good thing - perhaps it was meant to be. Because it has taken us to a very fundamental issue (I've talked about "fundamentals" before).

The issue is respect!

I suppose it would be fair to catagorize me as a 'traditionalist'. And that's ok - I'm proud of that. I don't mind being treated with respect. My trip yesterday to our local grocery store comes to mind.....they've been struggling to stay afloat for a while now. The fourth manager in 1 1/2 years can't pull it out. A HUGE part of the reason is that MOST employees don't have consideration for "J.Q. Public". There certainly is little respect.

Their competitor just remodelled, raised their prices some and CONTINUE to keep employees that DO respect their customers. They go out of their way to help find items, just ask how you are today, and use good manners.

Save the words like "suck" for after the 7th Bud Light. Most importantly, teach your kids the fundamentals....respect others like you would like to be respected.

"Mother Sherry" ;)
Well, I was trying to explain myself. I get yelled at for that too.

I'm very frustrated right now and I think it's a good time to take a break from the Grumble before you people find out what disrespectful language can really be like, cuz I'm right on that edge.
No Johnny, if I were YELLING at you, I would have written my message in all capital letters!! ;)

I'm sorry - what I wrote was general commentary - I just chose your "four letter word" as an example because it was most recent.

From one Buckey to another, hang in there! Trust me, I've had my share of confrontations from some "Grumble Pals". I just took their 2 cents and ran with it.

Go and make it a GOOD deserve it!