Uploading the image to your MSN Group.
By now you've created an MSN Group to host your photos and you have some photos on your hard drive with the correct size and resolution. Let's upload those photos to your group so you can post them on The Grumble.
Did you bookmark your group so you can find it? If not, go back to http://groups.msn.com/ and log in with your .net passport. Your group should appear under My Groups in the menu on the left of the page. Click on it.
On the page that appears, there will be a bar, toward the top, that shows how much of your storage space you've used. You start out with 3 megs, which will store quite a few low-res photos.
On the menu at the left of the page, click on Pictures.
You can create albums to organzie your photos, or you can click on "Show photos" to store your pictures in the "default" album. I recommend the latter for simplicity.
Click on "Add photos."
The first time you add photos, you will be invited to download a free utility which makes the process easier. The utility allows you to browse thumbnails of your directories and upload multiple photos at one time. Without the utility, you can still upload pictures, but only one-at-a-time.
If you use the utility (recommended) browse through the directory tree to find the folder where your sized and edited photos are stored. Get in the habit of always saving your photos to be uploaded in this same directory. The upload utility will go to the last folder slected the next time you open it.
Thumbnails will appear for the photos in the selected directory. Check the boxes on the photo(s) you want to upload. Optionally you can resize the photos with a command on the lower left of the page, but that shouldn't be necessary if you prepared the photos as outlined in Part 2.
After you've selected the photo(s) you want to upload, click on "Upload Now" in the upper right. In may take a few minutes to upload the photos, depending on how many you've selected, their size and your connection speed. A page will appear telling you that your photos are being uploaded.
When the process is done, a new page of thumbnails will appear, showing you the photos you've uploaded. Don't be alarmed if the thumbnail doesn't show the actual image at first. Sometimes it takes a while, even after the upload process is done.
Now you're ready to post the photo, or a link to the photo, on The Grumble. We'll do that in Part 4.
[ 02-12-2003, 11:01 PM: Message edited by: Ron_Eggers ]
By now you've created an MSN Group to host your photos and you have some photos on your hard drive with the correct size and resolution. Let's upload those photos to your group so you can post them on The Grumble.
Did you bookmark your group so you can find it? If not, go back to http://groups.msn.com/ and log in with your .net passport. Your group should appear under My Groups in the menu on the left of the page. Click on it.
On the page that appears, there will be a bar, toward the top, that shows how much of your storage space you've used. You start out with 3 megs, which will store quite a few low-res photos.
On the menu at the left of the page, click on Pictures.
You can create albums to organzie your photos, or you can click on "Show photos" to store your pictures in the "default" album. I recommend the latter for simplicity.
Click on "Add photos."
The first time you add photos, you will be invited to download a free utility which makes the process easier. The utility allows you to browse thumbnails of your directories and upload multiple photos at one time. Without the utility, you can still upload pictures, but only one-at-a-time.
If you use the utility (recommended) browse through the directory tree to find the folder where your sized and edited photos are stored. Get in the habit of always saving your photos to be uploaded in this same directory. The upload utility will go to the last folder slected the next time you open it.
Thumbnails will appear for the photos in the selected directory. Check the boxes on the photo(s) you want to upload. Optionally you can resize the photos with a command on the lower left of the page, but that shouldn't be necessary if you prepared the photos as outlined in Part 2.
After you've selected the photo(s) you want to upload, click on "Upload Now" in the upper right. In may take a few minutes to upload the photos, depending on how many you've selected, their size and your connection speed. A page will appear telling you that your photos are being uploaded.
When the process is done, a new page of thumbnails will appear, showing you the photos you've uploaded. Don't be alarmed if the thumbnail doesn't show the actual image at first. Sometimes it takes a while, even after the upload process is done.
Now you're ready to post the photo, or a link to the photo, on The Grumble. We'll do that in Part 4.
[ 02-12-2003, 11:01 PM: Message edited by: Ron_Eggers ]