Old frame question


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Feb 13, 2006
Slightly West of Boston
Hi. I am new to this forum and have a question. A customer brought in an old frame that needs repairing. The frame itself is fine. The image is printed on what seems to be about 1" thick particle board. It is attached to the frame from the back, with long staple type things going from the back of the frame into the particle board. There is no glass nor backing. The staples have pulled out of the particle board so it falls out the front. I am not keen on gluing it in, and I think nails will split the wood or board. Any ideas? I will try to take a pic and post it tomorrow...

Thanks for any advice!
Welcome to the Grumble, Kris.

And yes, I think we might need a little more info on what you've got.

I'm confused (don't worry - happens all the time).
Why is the artwork falling out the front of the frame? Is there no rabbet?

Turn buttons or offset clips might help hold the piece from the back but won't prevent it jumping out the front.

If this is a home-made thingy, consider at least doubling your usual charges.

Exceptin maybee tha HARba. :D

I hate when people talk about bringing in "Old" frames... I'm afraid that I'll find one of my old stickers on it. Or worse yet, I signed the frame.
wood does no longer crack if you drill narrower holes and drive your nails right into those. But I warn you, it takes about twenty years framing experience plus Baer's right hand to do it right.

Welcome to the grumble!

This appears to be what's called a "floater frame".

Oh my...I just reread the post after almost posting a different procedure...it's really a print somehow mounted to partical board. It isn't a Mona Lisa...but is obviously valuable enough to your client to warrant some care in your approach.

I applaude your concern for the "artwork"...keep grumblin'! You'll learn much and be an asset to this forum.

Either go forward with gluing or use a fine drill and L-shaped mirror hangers with the appropriate screws. Predrill and attach to the support and the frame.

If I'm understanding properly what you have and the construction of the package this is all that should be needed.

Dave Makielski
Could you use self adhesive velcro to hold this in place? You might be able to pop a staple or two into each piece as insurance. Of course there'd have to be enough 'edge' on that board...

I usually use offsets to hold canvasses in floater frames, but that particle board is not going to hold a screw nicely.

edie the hvd goddess
Hi. I think the L- brackets will work. THer eis not much of the board to put velcro on where it sits, so in this case that wont work.

Particle board is evil.

Thanks for the advice! I'm obviously new to posting on here (been lurking for a bit though) and I am relatively new to framing. I work in a photo store/ studio that decided about 2 years ago to add framing to our offerings. I had done some for myself before (mat cutting mainly) so i got teh job of framer. I enjoy it, we are not super busy with framing (which is good a I do the digital editing work and studio shooting also) yet, but its getting busier and busier. We mainly do photos, but I have sewn some jersys and floated a 100 year old figure carving that is about 4 " tall, among other interesting things... I am sure Ill be on here askign for more advise in the future!

give me a call. As I'm sure you know, Worcester is about 50 miles West of Boston. Be happy give you a hand. Maybe we can even do some business?

You are the photo shop located on Main Street in Holden are you?

Anyway, give me a call!


opps, you need a number 508 770-1270
You can put screw eyes into the side rails of the frame behind the art leaving a loop to put a screw through. Now all you need is the appropriate length screw to put into the particle board from the back.
I agree -- get a new frame.

Best way to find me is get directions off my web site. I am on the West side toward the airport. Yes, Worcester has an airport.