mounting a large laminated map

Nancy S.

Sep 22, 2004
The map is about 40x60 and is laminated back and front.

What is the best way to mount it? Is there a spray that will work?

I know not to use heat because included in the package was a nifty little note that says heat is a no no. :D

Thank you,
Nancy, here is a previous thread on this very thing.;f=1;t=005234

I have heat mounted these things - sometimes with good success and sometimes with the surface becoming hazy
so I can't recommend it unless you're feeling lucky.

Whatever method you use to mount, clean surface with glass cleaner and or weak ammonia water. Quite often laminates will have a silicon coating applied and it needs to be removed before any mounting method is used. The reason the silicon is coating is applied is, if the laminator used a roll for the laminate material and it is a cold laminator, the silicon keeps the material from adhering to itself.

Also countermount and/or use gator board, 1/2' fom cor or the like to prevent the warpage associated with such mounting. On one such map I mounted I actually had to construct a wooden frame on the back with cross pieces to prevent warpage even with a Nielson metal frame.

Dave Makielski
Ron, I read the complete thread from 2003 (it was a short thread), thank you for the link. The note included with the map did say that heat will make it hazy. And no, I don't feel lucky today. Just tired.

Dave, Thank you for the tips. I am using a strong wood frame but the frame itself will not help with center bowing. Your cross-piece method sounds good if I can just get the darn thing mounted.

This piece has not been treated kindly, but the customer is first-rate all the way so I'd like to help her with this. A new map is $50 plus shipping without the laminate, but then I would have to glaze the big boy.

I'll let you know if I kill it, intentionally or by accident.

I have had very good luck mounting laminated maps and posters on 1/4" FoamCore using Vac-U-Mount Spray and putting in the Vacuum Cold press for about 5-8 minutes. Be sure to use an even coating of the adhesive spray on the entire surface of the laminated work. I've used this method for years and the results have been good.