Michael's sold!

Yes, NB sold to an equity group also. Talked to my rep yesterday and they are very excited about it. An announcement is in PPFA's "For Members Only" July 2006 issue under industry news. The things they are a changing. Hopefully all for the better.
I normally refrain from saying negative things about companies but since Nielsen is now just a company owned by an equity group I can only say that I hope against all hope that it's the same group that purchased Michaels and the PR backlash makes them shrivel up and die! die! die!
Originally posted by johnny:
I can only say that I hope against all hope that it's the same group that purchased Michaels and the PR backlash makes them shrivel up and die! die! die!
Why don't you tell us how you really feel? :D
NielsenBainbridge has been owned by investors before, whenever a company is profitable, it makes them very attractive for investors looking for a good investment, so we're happy we are in that kind of position. Its a good change for us, and the new people coming in have great growth ideas. I 'm sure the future will bring better ideas, programs and products to our framers as well.