G'day again,
Thanks all of you for being so friendly, I almost feel at home. This grumble is new to me and embaresingly our Aussie one is rather sick. They have just started another one though so see what happens. I wish people wouldn't post unless they want to be friendly and help others.
My name is Sam and i am 33years old. I have been framing for four years. I am currently managing a large shop and teaching others how to frame. The only new thing I am learning is how to manage higher and higher stress levels.
So it seems timely to take a working holiday. If the industry improves after a very bad year in this country I would like to start my own business. If it doesn't I may find a little non thretening corner of the US and maybe help someone, like you have helped me.
I know that the standards of quality and service in the USA are very high and want to talk and work with people that have a passion for framing and framing well. I couldn't help noticing Baer's quote "Make your living by doing what you love, and you will never work a day in your life -- Peter Farquau, Magician--". Maybe someone could tell me how they get those at bottom of their posts. Love the one about bacteria.
I have a passion for framing and want to learn as much as I can from profesional friendly people like you guys, be that a chat over coffee for an hour or maybe offering my services for a week or so if required.
This may go a bit long but i don't know any other way to open up.
Jerome.........snow and ice ?? Well I don't know because we don't have it here. As Bilbo Baggins said, "Adventures are not always pony rides in the May sunshine!" It is not something I had given a lot of thought to but is part of the adventure, so bring it on!
I can relate to you lone framers as well........there have been times when I have had to run things by myself. Finally getting that chat that you hang out for keeps you sain.
I have much family all over the States and want to meet a lot of them as well. My brother lives near NY so will have to stop off by Niagera. I am going to put pins in all you guys towns that respond and will try and stop by and visit as many of you as I can. Any offers of places to stay and or advice on cheap accomodation would be good. I guess I will sort some of that out when I am moving around. I am currently on two weeks holiday trying to sort everything out. Will have a better idea in 2 weeks where stop points will be.
Charles water does go down the pipe anticlockwise here.
Sorry JPete, I am from Gold Coast Queensland. Gum trees.........just kidding..........currently paying off a house.
Don't worry Bill our casual does the vacuming once a week.
Gotta go and see Edie. I will bring a photo of my Rex and unless there is a big gumtree in the back yard I would prefer the futon. Not sure what 58 is but will worry about it when i get there part of the adventure right? Ice Cream in the middle of winter ???? mmmmmmmm........you mean fried ice cream?
Well Edie I had thought of getting a bicycle to get around. All depends on how much work I can find on my travels.
Marc the more of you that say hi will determin which areas I stay the longest. Will depend on where i dig up those long lost relies as well.
Sorry Marion I will change that I just had to be a bit careful untill I was more decided on coming. No I aint an axe murderer. I will have to dig up my old website and put a photo on it for u guys. Maybe that will help. I am thinking about a year but may be longer as I am a duel citizen. Please give me more info on the shows as I would love to go. Are you on the sunshine coast. My parents live near there and I would love to stop in when I visit my parents in the next 2 weeks.
Thanks Baer, What sort of motor cycle do you ride. My uncle from Utah collects Indians?
Anyway I have waffled on enough. Hope that sheds a little more light on me. Please ask any questions you want, I will answer them.......I will also look at my emails.
Thanks all those who responded and look forward to chatting with a few more that may have read but not responded.
From one Framer to Another
Thanks Sam