Regards to Maximum glue being a knockoff of the other glue there is as always two sides to every issue. When the company that manufactures the other glue asked us to distribute their product I came to an agreement and proceeded to advertise the product in one of our quarterly mailings. I then placed an order to stock the glue. The order never arrived. When I spoke to the manufacturer I was told that they would not sell us because I “bastardize” the industry by discounting and I would not hold the line on selling price.
United does not adhere to recommended selling prices. I will sell a product for whatever price I want and that is usually lower than anyone else. Good for the customer, no?
After careful analysis of the chemical formula of the other glue, I produced my own version that is of the same quality of the other glue. We have sold quite a lot of our brand and I have heard of no complaints. You can be assured that had the glue been substandard, I would have heard.
As for either glue being used with polystyrene moulding, neither is formulated for this use. The best product for polystyrene moulding is cyanoacrylate or better known as Plastibond.
PS: After reading my post, I must admit that Maximum glue is a Knock-off. But a very good one.