

Aug 23, 2005
Modesto, CA
Does anyone kn ow what the humidity level should be to prevent warping of moulding. Mine is around 36% I live in a fairly dry enviornemnt on the West Coast but it is hot here so my store is air conditioned. SHould I humidify the enviornment or is it just the case of a few bad sticks of moulding. I did get on line of moulding that was being discontinued that grew mould alos. Never had that on any other sticks. Thanks
Don't know if you should humidify if you are already growing mould. That is usually indicative of too much humidity.
Probably just a few bad sticks. Warping is not uncommon in wood mouldings, and there was a reason that it was discontinued...maybe becaused it warped and grew mould easily.
Why is it we say Moulding not molding and it is correct but...

Mould instead of mold is not correct?

We park in a driveway and drive on a parkway..the world is full of mystery.
That has to be the wierdest Frankenthread ever!!

Took me a minute to figure out that mould was mold!! must be the framer in them!!

Thanks wpfa for answering my post..

Ok so I typed fast and did not check my spelling...grammar...whatever...that said my supplier tried to blame me for a stick of warped molding and said it must have been something in my environment...does humidity need to be monitored? If so what should it be?