How do you e mail a topic to more than one e mail address?

Keith Hewitt

Forum Donor
Apr 2, 2002
Macclesfield England
I was going to ask John Ranes by e-mail, but then I thought maybe others have a need to know. So how do I get the darned thing to go to more than one e mail address. :confused: Thank you.

Keith Hewitt
From the country without a Grumble!

Click on the line at the top left of the topic that says, "UBB friend: email this topic to a friend" and, in the window that opens, put as many email addresses as you want in the line that says, "Send to (email address)." Put a comma between each address.

I haven't actually tried this - the few friends I have already read The Grumble - but that's the theory.

(I don't think John would know the answer to your question, by the way.)

Thanks, it's so easy when someone explains!
I disagree with you! I'm sure John would know the answer. He told me he knows everything, but that was late on Saturday in Bologna, after some beers, some fine wine. FYI most of the people I meet have never heard of the Grumble. That explains why you keep getting a few foreigners registering.

Keith (from the country with no Grumble!)
Dear Keith,

Don't be disappointed not to have a grumble. I have mine and without success... The European framers don't want to communicate with eachother, I guess.

In case somebody does want to use it, here it is:

Don't we have the prettiest logo???

[ 02-25-2003, 01:52 PM: Message edited by: Kris Casier ]
Keith and Kris,

Of course you have a Grumble. This is your Grumble as much as it is anyone else's. It just happens to be based in the U.S. and most of us speak some version of English (sort of.) The internet is nothing if not international.

Kris, don't be discouraged by a slow start to your forum. It took a very long time for this Grumble to get where it is and I don't think any of us can imagine where it is going.
Originally posted by Kris Casier:
Dear Keith,

Don't be disappointed not to have a grumble. I have mine and without success... The European framers don't want to communicate with eachother, I guess.

In case somebody does want to use it, here it is:

Don't we have the prettiest logo???

I registered on your forum last year but my shortcoming is command of foreign languages. My fluency in French and German was such at one time that I could converse in either language. I have forgotten most of the diction over the past 30 years and don't see an English version to post to. I know that there are many more Europeans that can post and read in English than there are Americans who can post or read in any other foreign language so my posts probably would be understood by most of your readers. It's just that my replies may have nothing to do with the subject matter posted on a particular thread!

But, I would give it some time to get the word out that your forum is open and available to framers over there. It does take some time to spread the word.

Hang in there! It will take ages to grow your Belgian/Dutch grumble. Maybe you should speak to
the Australian Grumble and ask for their views. Theirs has been running a couple of years but is still pretty "quiet". Seems to me many like to lurk, but most are shy to post.
Maybe Ron is right when he suggests we all use the USA grumble for English speaking framers.

Hi Kris. Nice to see you on the 'G.

The thing I like the best about the Grumble, is that I can tell my customers that I talk to framers from all over the world. So I can get any information that is needed. (Within reason) :D

Don't give up on your own Forums. It takes a while for people to find them... and mostly it is through word of mouth. Good Luck.