Home Depot Mirrors


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jul 1, 1999
Holland, PA, USA
I just got back from Home Depot. I happened to be in the mirror aisle, and noticed a great selection of bevelled mirror at reasonable prices. Have any of you ever used their bevelled mirror? LJ has bevelled mirror, but only in five sizes. HD had a 1/8 thickness and then a thicker mirror to choose from in over a dozen sizes. Ordering custom bevel mirror from a glass distributor takes so long around here, and it also seems as if they are not giving me any price break. Any thoughts on this would be appreciated.

Whispering Woods Gallery
Holland PA
I'd stay away from the 1/8"; at larger than 16 x 20 it can flex enough to give you a fun-house effect.

Otherwise, if the price is good why not go for it?

Have you tried Lewinter over there in PA> they have bevel mirrors.
Use them all of the time. if you want to compete withthe big boxes on mirrors then you have to use them. Throw a box moulding on there and you can retail a 24 x 36 mirror at 129.95 and sell many for the holidays.

Are you sure about that "fun house" effect? I actually have a fun house mirror on my floor and the adults love it as much as the kids. Keeps the "yuppie larva" entertained while I assist their folks. I lend it out to organizations and good customers for events.

Can you get mirrors thinner than 1/8"? Making a new, larger mirror may be quicker and more effective than going on some fad diet.

Anyway, it's late and I'm a little bit slap happy. Better get back to cutting that 40X60 museum glass...

Good night folks!

Dave Makielski
If you have a good working relationship with your glass supplier, try stopping by their plant some time and just mention that you're looking for some blem or scrap mirror.

But if you want a cheap mexico 1/4" with beveled edges . . . either Slows or Home Despot.
It did bother me that Lowes offered framed bevelled mirrors with wide frames for 129.95. I could never begin to compete. The "look" was pretty decent--the quality of the frame was so-so. I now understand why my nice mirrors in LJ frames are not moving. Just go to Lowes and get a much showier frame for 1/2-1/3 of the price. While you are there, you might pick up some framed art for 129.95 also! But make sure you tke it to your local framer for proper wire and hooks.

Whispering Woods Gallery
Holland PA
I could never begin to compete
Why not? A 24x36 takes 13ft of moulding. I just brought in a 3" ornate black from Int moulding at $.99 a foot.

It's not that you can't compete it's that most framers choose not to.

Folks the big boxes are here to stay. Adapt or die!

I was shopping around yesterday. At Michael's there were 6 people looking at readymades and nobody at the custom table. At Marshall's ther were 8 people looking at preframed art. At Wal-mart I saw 3 people with frames in there hands.

People are buying frames. It's just not from us. :(
Originally posted by susang:
I could never begin to compete.
It's that attitude that will make sure that you will always lose to the big boxes.

I am sick of many people her whining about the BB and how you can never compete with them. If that is the case then get out of the business. The BB are here to stay and if you choose to keep doing things they way that they were done 10 years ago then you will never win, you might as well shut your doors now and save your money.

Notice I said "Choose" This is the key word here. You are the only one who is going to make the final decision about your business. you can CHOOSE to compete against the big boxes or you can CHOOSE not to. you can CHOOSE to compete against the other local competition or you can CHOOSE not to. You can CHOOSE to change your buying practices or you can CHOOSE to do the same as you always have. You can CHOOSE to adjust your pricing stratigies or you can CHOOSE to leave them the same. You can CHOOSE to mix up your inventory or you can CHOOSE to leave it the same. You can CHOOSE to add new suppliers or you can CHOOSE to leave them the same.

The Choice is yours people. In my previous career, I was always told that it didn't matter why you lost a sale, what mattered is how you were going to make sure it didn't happen again.

How many successful people are in this world with an attitude that says "I can't compete"
I remember a time when I believed I would never compete with them. With a little help, trial and allot of error I think I am have just started the beginning phase of launching a full-scale attack against them. I will say that it was much more than a "choice". You see with out that first part (HELP) I would be blind as a bat to this day.

The longer I'm open the more I want to not only compete with them, I want to BE them. I have been to our local BB to "chat" 3 times this month. Not once have they had time to talk to me. I came close one time there was only about 4 customers tooling through the framing section of about 1000 sq/ft.
Throw a box moulding on there and you can retail a 24 x 36 mirror at 129.95 and sell many for the holidays.
The Home Depot in Kannapolis has 24 x 36 bevel mirrors with 4 inch wide frames for $88. I could make good money selling them at $129, but I sell very little mirrors. We all have to dig a little deeper on these prices.
You don't even have to match thier prices. all you have to do is give the customer an incredible value. A frame made by me at $129.00 will compare very well to home depots $88.00 piece of junk. The real challange is to get the customer in to see what great deals you do have.