Hello, after being an interested observer for some time now, this is my first post on The Grumble. I started out as a home-based framer in January, I probably can write a book on what not to do when starting a business. After some begging, borrowing, and belt tightening I was able to move into a warehouse/store front. I was finally starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. At least I thought it was the light, it turned out to be a freight train called Hurricane Frances and Jeanne.
One softened my roof, the other tore it off, and this caused major damage to my new shop. Unfortunately I was not insured for this, replacing it will need to be done by me. I saw this post about the free chopper and v-nailer, which would be a tremendous help in rebuilding. I know I am not the first to inquire about this, but it would go a long way to helping me to continue my dream of owning my own shop. My wife’s boss has generously agreed to pay for the shipping charges to Florida. I hope I am not to late, I hate to beg like this but my back is against the wall..