Framing Challenge: Painted glass from old


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 13, 2002
Fingerlakes Region of NYS
I am looking for some input on this framing challenge for an old painted piece of glass that was originally in a pinball type game machine with lights from behind and is very heavy.

The edges have black plastic edges on them already and the bottom edge has a piece of aluminum glued (really glued) across it that has a flap that comes out similar to a channel that a mirror would have - to hang on another piece to keep it in place.

The challenge: It is to be put into a frame and I am thinking of using black frame spacers to hold it back from the top lip of the moulding to allow for the aluminum flap/thingy to be recessed. I can then secure it in the moulding and put another set of spacers behind to allow for space to put bee-lights inside in front of the removable backer piece of foamcore.

Does this sound like stable engineering!??

Thanks, Roz
I used to own a pinball rout. I owned over fourty machines. I also used to restore the old machines.

As far as the engineering of your frame package goes, it sounds OK to me. When in doubt, always over do it where irreplaceable glass is concerned. Make it as strong as you can.


Thanks for the a-ok. But what else could I do to increase the strength of the package??

