MGF, Master Grumble Framer
A local art show here required all photos be submitted "dry mounted" on mat board...
Some of them turned out to be a little lumpy, like a mild orange-peel effect, even when mounted on velum. And the black ink portions in ALL the photos looked very scuffed. These were all photos that had been scanned into PC's and printed on some kind of "PC Photo" paper.
How can one tell which photo prints can be dry mounted and which can't? The customer doesn't know, and when asked, neither does the person doing the printing.
We used SpeedMount at the recommended time/temp.
When an exhibition requires "dry mounting", do you supposed they also mean "spray mounting"?
I'm really confused.
Some of them turned out to be a little lumpy, like a mild orange-peel effect, even when mounted on velum. And the black ink portions in ALL the photos looked very scuffed. These were all photos that had been scanned into PC's and printed on some kind of "PC Photo" paper.
How can one tell which photo prints can be dry mounted and which can't? The customer doesn't know, and when asked, neither does the person doing the printing.
We used SpeedMount at the recommended time/temp.
When an exhibition requires "dry mounting", do you supposed they also mean "spray mounting"?
I'm really confused.