MGF, Master Grumble Framer
I was talking to a potentiol customer at a soccer game last night that he has an old print that has been in his family for years. His mother cherished this and when she died, he got it. He said that it is in a beautiful old frame with glass, no matting, and is yellowing. It is backed with wood on the back of the frame. He wants to preserve it as best as possible and I wuggested that he bring it in and we take it apart. I mentioned that it was probably against some sort of old cardboard, or even the wood itself which may have been a part of the yellowing, but the paper itself is probably just yellowing with age...no acid-free back then. But we both agree that the old glass needs to stay so I thought that if the frame can handle it with both strength and depth, that we use use cons/reg against the print with spacers to keep it away from the image, and the old glass on top with spacers, so as to keep the old glass look. Have any of you done this? It sounded like a great idea to me...hoping again that the frame can handle it. I should probably mention that it is just the image in the frame, no matting or anything...I think spacers would be the way to go.