Banner's Working!


PFG, Picture Framing God
Nov 21, 2005
Carson City, Nevada
In rummaging around a few weeks ago we found, scrunched up and stashed in a dark corner, a 14-foot banner, white with big red block letters "GALLERY OPEN". Okay'd it with the City.

This shop has been in this location, right on the main street, for 8 years, and people still say "I didn't know there was a frame shop here!"

We finally got it hung up a couple of hours ago. Lady just paid up front for a $500 framing order, had been "looking for a frame shop", said the banner brought her in. Found "the perfect frame" in a matter of minutes, after looking for several years.

YAY!!! (I know...what took ya so long to get it put up? Procrastination! And the fact that I can't do ladders right now, and it wasn't high on his Hunny-do list I just called him with a neener-neener-I-told-ya-so, and Thank You, Dear.)

I'm Sooooo Happy! :D :D :D
Banners are the new neon....that is copyrighted. Neon has become ignored at this point. Everyone has it, it is everywhere you look. Banners are simple and they are large. This makes them noticeable to the customers.

Hey whatever works!!!!
