Animation cell papers - HELP!

Sherry Lee

SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 25, 2002
Phoenix, Az.
I'm framing my first animation cells. I was doing "real good" until I discovered an extra piece of paper on one cell. This is what I have:

2 - 5x7 cells (these have the top piece, the cell, with the drawing and a plain piece of paper behind it). With these I understand that I use a spacer mat inbetween the two to keep them seperated.

The next one I'm confused is 14" x 17" and it has THREE layers: the top piece (cell) with the drawing on it, a plain piece of white paper behind it and the back paper has rows of black ovals which I'd best describe as a decorative backdrop (the animation is the Beatles, Yellow Submarine). What do I do with the middle plain piece of paper????

Oh, it's so nice to have great minds to call on!!
The plain piece of paper can be considered "packing material", since its purpose is to keep the cel and the backdrop from scuffing each other in the mail. Tuck it inside the back of the frame in case the customer thinks it is valuable. It does not need to be visible.
Sherry There was a great rference to a sight from Merrill Grayson on the framing of cells given a breif time back here on TFG .try doing a search. In the mean time it might be helpful to understand that the art work on most cells is done on the reverse side of the acetate and as such is very subceptable to scratching and other damge. This is why they should be packaged with some sort of seperation between the acetate and anthing else. it is also why they should be framed with some spaceing between the acetate also.But this is just the tip of the care try to find Merrill's sight or some other , there have been many discussed previously
Thank you both for responding. Merrill was kind enough to email me his WONDERFUL guide for framing Cel's. I have it at my side at all times. My problem was, it did not refer to this extra piece of paper - which, I thought was to be removed, but I don't like to ASSUME anything!! I'm still puzzled, however because a 4 ply spacer mat is not going to keep these two pieces of 14 x 17" acetate completely seperated. The top one 'caves' in the middle - even when standing. And if I used 8-ply or foamboard, it wouldn't matter because to 'cure' the problem, I'd have to move it in more and there's not enough room on the edges to allow that. The use of this spacer mat seems futile to me, but I'm doing it!!

Thanks again!
While Cliff was finishing his big order, I was finishing my big challenge! Once I realized what was wrong, it was a cinch.

Thanks to many of you that helped me out with this perplexity. They look fantastic!! I'd really like to keep them.