You people are freaks.


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 7, 2004
Total framing freaks. Every time I get a weird object in here to frame I think I'm going to stump the Grumble archives. Now someone wants to frame a surfboard. I search the archives on a lark, because who in their right mind wants to frame a surfboard? A surfboards natural state is hung on a wall or leaned up against something or under the arm of a hippie. Anyway...;f=1;t=007180

Thank you again Baer and Wally.

And now for some light music, which is appropriate to this situation...

The Euclid Beach Band Lyrics - Theres No Surf In Cleveland Usa Lyrics

Intro: There's no surf in Cleveland U.S.A.

If you want to see tinsel and stars just go to LA
To ride a subway car try New York way
Well you can go to Philly amytime
If the Liberty Bell rings your chime
But we're all here in Cleveland, Ohio
And that ain't bad brother don't you know
Cause there's a party every night
And dancing till the morning light
There's such a lot to do


Well we can cruise through the rapids(1) all day long
(day long day long day long)
And we can dance to the music all night long
(night long night long night long)
Now we can't shine down our woody
Or drive a board around all day
And man we can't impress the girls on the beach
The way they do out in LA
Cause there's no surf in Cleveland
There's just no surf in Cleveland U.S.A.

From east and west and all around the town
We're a-ok don't let them put you down
The buzzard's(2) singing with the (chip up and down ??)
So clap your hands to the radio sound
Come on and sing along

REFRAIN sung twice

Fade out singing "no surf no surf we don't care" over and over

(1) Cleveland's rail public transportation system
(2) The cartoon "mascot" of Cleveland's leading rock station
WMMS FM 100.7 inspired by the buzzard nesting ground in
nearby Hinckley Ridge
ps. I want credit for being the first Grumbler to post "shine down our woody."
Cleveland Rocks!!!

Does MMS still play Maggot Brain every Saturday night/Sunday morning at 1 A.M.
Maggot Brain!!! Man, you forced me to get my old Funkadelic LP out and listen to that!! It's been years! "Mother Earth is pregnant for the third time, 'cause y'all have ******** her up!" Gotta love that song.

Do you remember the track on the same LP, "Can You Get To That"?? "The checks you signed with 'love and kisses' lately come back as insufficient funds..."
J- you say that like it's a bad thing.

Just wait until you need to frame half a car, or the end of one. I can't remember now, but Baer has done it, and there's a thread out there somewhere with some pointers.
Hey, boy, … yeah, you, Johnny, the bozo from Oh-high-oh, … who you be callin’ a freak?

I don't know about maggot brain... Man, that's a blast from the past! I think they might. I'm too busy destroying people on PartyPoker at that time every week to be doing anything else, hehe. They might also still play Cleveland Rocks and Born to Run at 5:00 on Fridays for the weekend kickoff where they also say "The weekend never ends on 100.7, WMMS!" So, like, uh, why do ya have a kick off every week then!

Gumbo, it's never bad!

Bill, yaknow, that kinda looks like Baer I think!

I quoted $1,400.00 to frame it in Framerica Boxers with UV Plexi and using a backing utilizing fabric that the customer will have to go out and find themselves for this one. So, if you're around Cleveland and you get a call asking about this you have room to undercut me, and please do. I don't want any part of this.

There may be a lot I don't remember from the good ol' days but Funkadelic is not forgotten. The 1 A.M. playing of Maggot Brain was a party ritual. No matter where you were or what you where doing you were united with all of your friends because everyone tuned in for it. The Rock N Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland has a killer display of all of Parliament Funkadelic memorialabilia (can't find spell check on this Firefox browser). One of the best displays in the whole place.

Anybody remember Little Feet "Dixie Chicken". Now you guys are making me want to twist one up if you know what I mean.
Did you know that Garth Brooks did "Dixie Chicken?"

Somehow that just seems wrong.
Sometimes I feel like I'm pimping for Warped, but is there any reason this thread shouldn't be there?

(I hate it when a perfectly good thread is wasted on the main Grumble forum.)
I have framed a surfboard. Go to my website at and enter the gallery to see it.
Not archival by any means but client loved it and we got a good promo out of it.
Used one of LaMarche's large Bamboo mouldings and mounted on Bamboo Plywood (Plyboo) treated with Teak Oil. Mounting method used was Baer's suggestion from previous thread. Worked great. No glazing. Attached masonite to back of frame and hung with z-bar. Finished size (95" X 34").
Thank you Scott. You did a great job on that. You also have a fantastic website. My compliments.

Ron, feel free to move it! I was just complimenting the Grumble and saying thanks again.