You got my support Jay


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Mar 26, 2003
Alberta CANADA
The Framing Nook
I like your ideas - proceed!!! (or ...carry on)

The only thing that I would suggest changing is what gets printed on the awrd certs

Somehow, customers are not impressed reading an award that has "Grumbler" on it!!! Maybe we can change it to PFG Internation Picture Framing Competition? any ideas?
And I would like to suggest that all the award certificates actually be distributed this year.

No one is impressed by a non existent award.

Oh,sorry, I guess that might be construed as a negative comment.

Carry on.
Not to be missconstrued as the gift horse thats be <strike>a$$</strike> mule kicked in the face . . .

When you buy the ribbons or put the effort to do up 28 certificates, you can choose any dam thing you want on them, and how many there are, same goes for certificates.

No one said you had to tell anyone that you entered a competition that you were embarassed to win.

And if this isn't a "Thread Killer" post, I apologize for being so namby pamby tactful about the whining.
Yea really the awards are a little far off right now. Infact I'm a big fan of deligating. There has been several people come forward and offer to help with various things. I'm not in this for the glory but to just get er done. So careful with the complaints or your find your self workin.

Just kidding. Thanks for the support. I'm excited to get this thing rolling. Like last year it's going to appear slow going but that won't be the case for long.

Carry on.
Originally posted by Jay H:
I'm not in this for the glory but to just get er done.
Dang, I was just getting ready to say let's call it "The Jay Hartman Annual International Framing Competition".
Make a success out of it and contest's name will come to mean a respectable event, Grumbler or not in it.
Pulitzer Prize has an obscene sound in Romanian, yet this name is being kept in high regard and pronounced without embarrassment.