

CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Feb 13, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I just recently entered an agreement for a CMC. It was sent by Yellow Frieght. It has been the worst experience with a shipping company I have ever experienced. So you understand I am in Canada and the package is coming from the USA. First of all they delivered the package 6 days late. Then they brought me 3 packages, only 2 belonged to me. They then told me that they lost the other. After speaking to 4 people and waiting 30 hours they said that they finally found it but since it was still in the USA and customs thinks it is in Canada they do not know what to do. 24 hours later I called again to see if they figured it out and they said that it doesn't appear that anyone has worked on it.
Then I expressed to the agent on the phone what a bad experience this was and that I would never advise anyone to use Yellow. Although calm I called a spade a spade. I almost fell off the chair when I heard his reply. "Why should I help you if you don't like us" I explained that I had nothing against him it was the company I had a problem with. He said "that if I had a problem with the company I had a problem with him" and that "they were the best load to load carriers in the USA"
The result is he did help me and that he said that the package should of been to me today but they forgot to put it on the truck so it won't be to me until Friday. They wonder why I am upset.

My question is what are they really like, I don't want to be unfair. Are they the best in the USA or have other people experienced the same problem. I am really curious.
Oh yea! They are the best. They punched a hole in my first CMC with a fork-lift and made sure my help didn't see the damage by putting the damaged side against the wall. Wizard, bless their hearts, dealt with the problem.

Our experience was with Consolidated Freight. They too punched a hole in our first CMC with a fork-lift and delivered damaged side away from us. We had them pick it up (after about a million phone calls) and ship it back to Wizard. Wizard never received it. After getting bills for $15,000, I started making phone calls. The CMC was delivered to Larson Juhl in Baltimore. They refused delivery since their name was not on the package. It then went to Con freight's "lost and unclaimed" grave yard where it sat until I called jumping up and down. At no time was the address on the package unclear. Go figure.
All I can say, is once you're up and running you'll love it...and soon forget the agravation of having it delivered. Good luck.
In the US it doesn't take much to be the best carrier! I have had issues with all of them when it comes to CMC delivery whether a Wizard or an Eclipse. I had one carrier (paid) to deliver 30 readymades to a second floor location, when the driver got there he refused to take them to the second floor. There was water damage and a fork lift hole in the gaylord. Luckily the customer was smart enough to refuse shipment. Re-made the frames and shipped again...waiting for conformation of hand delivery. Still waiting for the damaged package to come back.
Yellow freight is horrible!

I bought an Oval Master that was used as a demo at a PPFA meeting. Great deal, but the driver refused to drive around the back and unload it at the loading dock. He dumped the crated mat cutter in the front parking lot.

Because of the weight and size, he only way I could get it inside was to disassemble it while the cars were whizzing by looking for a parking space – one of which was taken up by the Oval Master.
It is nice to know that others have experienced the same difficulties as us. I often wonder how long we would stay in business if we offered the same level of service.