Xmas eve closing time?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Apr 8, 2004
What time on Christmas eve is everyone closing.

I'm shooting for 2:00 P.M.

Actually all my rush jobs have been picked up and my work load is done.

The only thing keeping me here now is ...... I'm not sure actually.

Take care all.
I close after my last Christmas order is picked up.
Right now I have one left & it's 2:30, so when that customer comes in, i'll close.
Always have, always will
We're in a plaza so we have to be here until 3. All of the work is comleted, but we have 2 more people who need to pick up. Hope they can get here concidering the nasty, nasty weather. Hope everyone has a very Merry Christmas, Lori
I have ONE more pickup. Big run on pickups today! yeah! I have a sign out saying I am closing at 2:00 tomorrow, but most of the stores in the area including the banks are all closing at 12:00. If this last person picks up, I'm out of here!

(Course, I cut four mats and matted and framed one picture today, so you never know what sob story will come in!
In about 5 minutes. Except for two pick-ups tomorrow, I'm done for Christmas. Tomorrow is all day in the kitchen preparing the feast of the seven fishes, except it with be three fishes.

Merry Christmas to all!!

This place was very busy

Like....... a zoo

Little gifts wrapped with care

And custom frames too..

Mrs. Blixen says she will buy a painting

If it fits over her fireplace...... so fair

We are all tired and weary..

Our own shopping.. still to do

But we won't be here much longer

Tomorrow... we will close at 2:00!
I'm hoping to close at 2:00 tomorrow. I'm still here working on a couple of shadowboxes tonight.
I just hope that they come and pick them up!
I Just completed a shadow box cust., gift 6:00PM. I Helped dig out of Ohio snow so they can get in the small lot, three feet hight of BIG, BIG, sleet and snowwwwwwww!!!!!yuk. I have 2 pickups 24th. Merry merry christmas, Kim!!
I'm planning on 2:00 as I do every year, but I always wait around in case any pick ups are late. I only have two more to pick up tomorrow and my brother's gift to assemble then I'm off! (To wrap and clean the house
All the Christmas pickups happened already, but we're closing at 3pm. (We have a Christmas Eve family party to attend at 4pm in the same town as the shop, so its just a convenience thing).

Two people came in TODAY asking to have sport Jerseys done for Christmas
One went to look elsewhere, the other left it to be picked up on the 30th. I spent the morning taking apart the Wizard to replace the gantry. (a bearing on the top was making a noise/friction and the replacement gantry came in today)

Friday, I think we're going to clean up the back room and do the annual tax time stock inventory. If anyone comes in for a quick frame order, we'll try to accomodate them. I expect it to be a complete ghost town/waste of time.

Happy holidays to all!
Tomorrow, our store closes at 7. I'm done at 6, and hoping I can leave early. Gotta get to my parents in Pennsylvania. Today was an EXTREMELY slow day. Didn't have one framing sale or pick up, but I think the heavy rains and high winds may have something to do with that.
Friday, 2PM! My wife said she wants a tree. Neighbors said that I have to put lights on said tree.
100watt frosted is not what they had in mind.

Now where the heck do you get a tree when all the dang nursurys are closed for some dumb holiday....

Dam 4th of July. . . .
I'll close at 4:00pm. I still have lots to be picked up. Took in 5 orders on Thursday for Friday deadline. I'm too nice to these last minute customers.

The snow missed us by about 20 miles. Good luck to those with shovels.
Wanted to closed at noon, but...it's now 12:35 AM on Christmas eve and I still have ten frames to go. I love this place and want, for once, to know how others spend Christmas eve... but, when it comes down to it, I won't want to leave and will ponder the year with the last few customers, offer them some cheer, wrap and/or make the last of my Christmas presents, straighten the window decorations and then slowly close the door with the wind and snow blowing...feeling the cold air on my face...looking forward toward Christmas morning with my kids.

It may be two o'clock...but more likely late afternoon or early evening...

It's easy to get sentimental this time of year. God bless you all for your heroic efforts at helping your clientele and hold your friends and families close during these blessed holidays.

Merry Christmas,

Dave Makielski
I always closed at 2 pm on Christmas Eve.

I'd finish the day by making some phone calls, printing out some maps from Delorme and making deliveries to those who didn't make it in to pick up Xmas orders.

That part was actually fun, and I'd always be home by 5 or 6.
I tell myself as soon as everything is picked up I’m outta here, but every year there is some clown, no matter how hard I try to remind them, who neglects to pick up his/her stuff.

I’ve never gone home before 4:30.

At least I can wrap presents here. It’s so much easier with an X-Acto knife and cutting board: The dog isn’t walking on the paper, I’m not sitting on the scissors, and I haven’t lost the tape under the foot stool.

All’s right with the world!
I was eating lunch across the street from my shop when my last pick up for Christmas pulled up to my store. Watch my soup I'll be back. 5 minutes later I'm done. After about three years doing this, this was my first real Christmas rush, everything went very well. Now I just have a few things for next week and the shop is due for a thorough cleaning.
Cheers and Happy Holidays
Finished framing the last xmas orders on Wednesday and the last one was picked up yesterday. We still have some photo orders to be picked up for xmas. We plan on closing at 1:00 pm. Yesterday, spent the day wrapping presents in my workroom. Your right Bill, it is much easier to wrap them were you have the proper tools and big work surfaces to spread out on. Fiona the shop cat supervised from her perch in the sun on the mat cutter (it had a cover on it.) Tonight, we have our annual Christmas eve crab leg dinner for just the 3 of us, tommorrow it's Christmas with Gary's family in Neenah and Sunday were down to Illinois to see my family. Hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday!
It's 11am and a guy just walked in to have a jersey framed for Christmas. (we close in 4 hours and he asked if he could pick it up Christmas morning) We said yes to getting it done within 3 hours, offered a fair price without a rush fee, but he gagged on the price and left muttering to himself.

Nothing like planning ahead :(
We closed at 6:00 yesterday :D

And we will be closed Monday (Dec 27th) also - the "Boss" and I deserve a long weekend. This is the first time in thirty years we've been able to do this at Christmas time!

Our girls will be home w/ husband & boyfriend (that's each - not collectively) - No grandkids (yet) and we have friends stopping by for some wine and relaxation.

Our very best wishes for a Merry Christmas to all Grumblers!

Nah. We honestly tried to help the guy out and he was really rude when he heard the (very fair) price.

Oh well. I'm taking BILL'S advice for the rest of the day. "NO"

On the brighter side, a couple customers came by with some gifts. One of them knitted a sweater for the dog!

Jerry: If it wouldn't be too much trouble, could we get a picture of the dog modeling the sweater?
He looks more like "Sparky the gay dog" from South Park(tv show), but seems to enjoy the sweater.


Speaking of sweaters for pooches.

Our Molly made the cover of a fashion brochure (YourBreed, Inc.) for a friend of ours. That’s her holding up the head of some nameless model wannabe. The pug is Molly’s best buddy, Lolly-Blue.


<font face=bellevue size =5> Merry Christmas, everybody!</font>
Last customer just picked up...I'm straightening up the work table and I'm out of here.

The sweater looks very, uh, festive, Mike.

Molly looks like a real sweetheart.

Have a happy and safe holiday everyone.
I'm going home to cook, have a little adult refreshment and relax!
That was a thoughtful gift for your dog. Almost looks like he/she has a white turtleneck on under that sweater. Wonder if your customer started out knitting it for you and ran out of time? LOL

Molly is a beauty. No wonder she's a cover dog! If I had a coat as pretty as hers, I wouldn't wanna cover it w/a sweater!
I closed at 5pm on the 22nd. Came to the shop yesterday (the 23rd) to do some Christmas wrapping and , even though the closed sign was up, got two customers (one left 5 pastels to be framed). Wonder what business would've been like if my open flag was up! As for customers picking up, I delivered the last couple of items right to their door.
Merry, Merry Christmas to All!
Originally posted by Janet L:

Molly is a beauty. No wonder she's a cover dog! If I had a coat as pretty as hers, I wouldn't wanna cover it w/a sweater!
Yeah!! You can say THAT again, Janet!! :cool:

(Molly IS the one with the smile on her face, eh??)

Oh, hold on, it's a pet publication, so that would mean that ................ uh, oh, forget it.

My dog says if he sees your dog on the street wearing that sweater he's going to rough him up for his kibble money.


Merry Christmas To All
Just called the last customer to say that her two shadow boxes are done. I turned up the music and am getting my coat ready so I can leave with her and lock the door!
It's nearly kiddie tornado time at our house and I just turned the lights out in my shack. A poor guy needed a present for his girl and didn't have the money to go to town.
I did him a quick 6 by 12 framed photo.
Softy me.
CLOSED Christmas Eve and have been for the last seventeen years. It's a big family day where I come from and I am not willing to give it up for a few uniframes and photo frames.

Despite being short handed due to an unexpected and tragic funeral earlier in the week and REAAAALLLY bad weather later, we were 100% done and picked up by 5:30pm December 23. I have all of my customers trained- we remind folks that we're closed Christmas Eve until we are blue in the face.

It was a busy season overall, lots of work came in early, it was a beautiful thing, I tell ya.

edie the where'smyplaneticketouttahere goddess