X2562 from Larsen-Juhl

Uncle Jeffy

Grumbler in Training
Oct 24, 2005
Tampa, FL
Hello. I'm not a framer, so I apologize in advance if this doesn't make sense. Five years ago, I had a frame shop in Olympia, Wash. frame two 18 x 24" prints for me. The framer, according to his records, used Larsen-Juhl X2562 frame. I now live in Tampa, Fla., and have a third print of the same series that I now want framed in the same material. My local shop didn't carry a matching frame (based on a visual ID), so I contacted the frame shop in Olympia. The owner there tells me that the Larsen-Juhl X2562 material he used is still available, but that it now has a distinctly more grey tint to it, so even though the profile and all would match, the color wouldn't. I'm looking for someone that might have the older, brown-er Larsen-Juhl X2562 frame material, enough to create a frame with outside dimensions of 22.5" by 28.5. Can you help?
I'm glad you found us Uncle Jeff! Sorry noone has responded to your request. We tend to want to use up our moulding stock, not hoard it
I hope one of us can help you.

If you came into my shop and had to match the moulding for all three frames the best option I could give you would be to reframe the other two with the newer style. I don't think you'll be able to find the older one, but I wish you luck!

Otherwise, revisit your local framer, and ask for a discount on the three frames.
I just looked at a picture of this moulding on LJ's website and I think I am familiar with the finish.
I would concoct a wash of thinned acrylic paint that would shift the color browner. Hopefully the shop you use in Tampa is small enough to have the willingness and wherewithall to do this. Perhaps the shop in Olympia would be willing to do this and ship you the frame.
Truly, though, an overall grayer tint is not such a bad thing- it would probably be close enough to still look united with the other two framed prints. Can your framer in Olympia send you a 3" chip of the new finish so you can see for yourself? The framer can request one from his/her LJ rep.
Let us know how it goes.

Edie the acrylicpaint goddess