Uncle Jeffy
Grumbler in Training
Hello. I'm not a framer, so I apologize in advance if this doesn't make sense. Five years ago, I had a frame shop in Olympia, Wash. frame two 18 x 24" prints for me. The framer, according to his records, used Larsen-Juhl X2562 frame. I now live in Tampa, Fla., and have a third print of the same series that I now want framed in the same material. My local shop didn't carry a matching frame (based on a visual ID), so I contacted the frame shop in Olympia. The owner there tells me that the Larsen-Juhl X2562 material he used is still available, but that it now has a distinctly more grey tint to it, so even though the profile and all would match, the color wouldn't. I'm looking for someone that might have the older, brown-er Larsen-Juhl X2562 frame material, enough to create a frame with outside dimensions of 22.5" by 28.5. Can you help?