x-acto mat marker


Mar 2, 2004
Santa Fe, NM
Hello, I'm looking for an x-acto mat marker. X-acto stopped making them a while ago and i need to find a couple for my new shop. If anyone has some of these items collecting dust on a shelf somewhere. Please let me know if you would be willing to sell them..

thanks, Justin
Justin, I expect if there are any floating around that still work, Bogframe has snatched them up. He's been begging for a couple of years now.

A very good working substitute, that won't break after a few uses, is the Incra T-Rule. You can find them at Woodcraft stores or a really good hardware store (if you can find one of those.) Otherwise, do a Google search.

This is my single favorite hand tool in my shop. There are no moving parts and they are accurate to 1/64".

Forget the Google search. Here's the site

looks perty, but I'm hooked on the speed of the x-acto mat marker guide. I have been able to make them last for many years. and can even rebuild them when the metal wares out. Thanks for the reply. AGAIN IF ANYONE HASE SOME OF THESE PERFECT DEVICES LET ME KNOW.....