WW II Shadowbox


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 12, 2003
North Carolina - Picture Framing Capital of the Wo
This is the first project we've shared with the Grumble. It was a 2 day deal because the client's father is terribly ill.

We used 2 Roma mouldings attached together to get the required depth and a small LaMarche for the portrait. Of course everything is encapsulated/mylar cornered/hinged/sewn in place. The discharge form was scanned and copied to show front and back at the customer's request, and the original is in a pocket on the back.

THANK YOU to Framerguy for help in identifying the patches.

Without further ado...

Great looking job, y'all!
I used to know a website that showed all WWll medals, rank, etc, but I've forgotten it. Will post it later if I can find it.
I have all my uncle's medals from WWll, along with Dad's, and have wanted to get them framed for a while.
Daddy ran a railroad, as a soldier, from Algiers, across North Africa to Italy, and was not highly decorated.
My uncle saved a sackful of his medals. He doesn't care about displaying them, but wants me to have them because I do!

Does the one below mean anything to you, FGII? He was the only one in his company during WWII basic that made a 'hundred' on the tests required. He's more proud of that than his Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, and Combat Infantryman medals!


The one I had in mind showed ALL the medals, ribbons, correct order of display, rank insignia...you name it. I'll continue to look.
Great job.

We have done many WW I , WW II, Viet Nam shadowboxes over the years.

Although we ask for photos and documents to add to the display, few have any.

Our most interesting document was an original teletype (faded) announcing the end of WW II.

Our most decorated client, from Viet Nam, had 4 DFC's and a few other metals. He was a search and rescue door gunner who would jump out and pull in a downed flyer. We had a photo of him, in the center of the package, posed in front of his ship on a steel landing pad.
Hey T & K,

That is a really nice job you did on that shadowbox!! Considering that we were just talking about what the heck those patches were on Tuesday, you ripped that framing package out in record time!!

Charles, I posted about 6 or 8 sites awhile back that all show military heraldry and ranking of medals and insignias. Why don't you run a search in the archives and see if you can find it. The one you were thinking of may be in there. I haven't had time to take a look for that infantryman's badge you pictured yet but I will do so this afternoon.

Omar, it's the EXPERT INFANTRYMAN'S badge, and he made a perfect score! I imagine you're familiar with that process!

The Combat Infantryman's badge is the same, but with the wreath around it.

As I said, he was/is more proud of the EI badge than he was all his other ones, including his Silver and Bronze Star!!
Yeah, now I remember! That one was for those of us who only scored a perfect score on the short ranges. (Up to a quarter mile).

I was thinking more along the lines of the one that you and I got for the shots we scored that were over a mile away.

Remember that day when I screwed up your score for the "1 Mile Moving Target" by hitting your bullet in mid-air and throwing it off almost into the Drill Sergeant's mess kit?? (I'll bet that HE never forgot that day!!) :eek:

VERY nice job

what are the moulding #s
Thanks for the kind words.

Less - the mouldings are Roma 7854 (top) and 1843054 (extender). They were assembled like this:
Raw fit - extender was cut 1" smaller than top frame


Attaching the frames together. 2" wood screws to attach and brown/umber wash to finish the exposed wood.

Completed side view.

The customer's father passed away Sunday. thankfully he was able to see it before he died.
That is a really nice lay out, and the frame looks terrific with it. Congratualtions! (I am so glad I only have to worry about the technical end of things - design would be overwhelming to me).

Nice shadowbox! I looked up those mouldings in our new Roma catalog. We have a corner sample of the underneath one, but not the top one. What was the total retail on that job and what were the dimensions? I'd just like to compare how our prices would "stack up?" Thanks.