wrought iron frames

Bob Carter

SPFG, Supreme Picture Framing God
Forum Donor
Jun 16, 2000
A few years back, we carried a line of "shabby chic" wrought iron frame holders by a company we all recall as "Valhalla"

They seemed to have fallen off the earth

Anybody familiar with this (or a similar) company?

They had some fun two and three frame hanging racks at very reasonable prices. These would hang either vertically or horizontally and the frames were either 4x6 or 5x7 with heavily weathered frames

Any ideas?
Bob I don't have any supplier names but Marie used to buy these same sort of Wall hangers from PLATE display companys. the hangers were big enough to accomodate small frames as well as Plates. Infact I saw some at the last trade show we attended in a booth that was selling easles and such supplies .

I remember because I was surprised when Marie didn't buy some for herself.LOL In fact we lost a few in Katrina and if it where now I know what I'd be carring on board the plane home.LOL
Thanks, Buddy. We've looked at some of those.

But, the Valhalla product had really neat frames that fit very well into the wrought frame holders

I contacted the Trade Show folks to see if they had a contact, but it appears that these folks may have gone away
Bob, if you have some actual samples or really good pictures of them, you may be able to have them fabricated down in Mexico. Lot of small operations down there that can do not so large runs, at great prices.

I used to have stained glass made down in Tijuana, unbelievable prices, sold the heck out of the stuff. I guess I should get my butt back down there.

Having them made to your design is always the best plan. In this circumstance I might even look locally first and see if a "hobbyist" welding group of retirees existed - even if they were to produce a product you can then have duplicated in that Mexico place that John mentions.

Another option could be an engineer with robot welders etc - it never ceases to amaze me what engineers can actually take on and produce (if yu can convince them).
Hey - guess who can't sleep.

After poking around the interweb for a while I found this

which got me to this:

Valhalla Trading Co
21 S Minnesota St
New Ulm, MN 56073
(507) 354-4920

Could these be the right folks? I couldn't uncover anything resembling a web page for them. Perhaps they are "pursuing other interests".

I must confess vague disappointment that it has nothing to do with Valhalla, NY which is where I went to high school.
Hi Meghan-That is the right outfit, but they aren't in the frame selling biz any more. From talking to them today, it appears they bought a container and when they were gone, they were gone. Thanks for the tip

John, you might have the best idea if I didn't just hate going to Mexico

Thanks all