writing a consumer article about framing


Jun 16, 2005
So I've volunteered to write a framing column for a new local magazine in which I will be advertising. I've been thinking about doing it for a long time but now that the opportunity iis here. all those ideas I've had over the years have suddenly vanished.

I'd love some suggestions for topics or even to read some examples if anyone else has done this.

Think about what you are telling your customers daily about what good quality framing is all about and put those little speeches into typewritten form.


Everyone will be interested in hearing about any of the basic stuff about custom framing such as, what is involved in designing a basic frame package, how mats will enhance an image and why we use them, how wide do you make a mat and why are some mats wider than others, stuff like that.

I tried to do a column like you are going to do for a very high end magazine here on the Panhandle but they put the kabosh to the idea because they felt that I was promoting my own business by writing about framing and that would constitute free advertising!! I asked the editor exactly who he thought would be a good spokesman for the framing industry if it weren't a framer???

What a "Duh!" situation that turned out to be!

Good luck and good writing to you.

A conservator here in town writes a column about care and reapair of artwork and objects that appears in the Saturday edition of the local paper from time to time. Does it promote his business? Sure. So what- it is an interesting and informative column. Now if they would just call me to write that framing column...
:cool: Rick

What framing column?
Does it promote his business? Sure. So what- it is an interesting and informative column.

Yeah Rick, that's exactly how I felt about the deal. In the same magazine they have a Vet's column by Dr. So 'n So DVM and at the bottom of the column they also have, "For more information call Dr. So 'n So or visit his website at WWW.I'marichvetforareason.com.

Turns out I wasn't in the right clique to run with the big dogs!

I learn to live with my disabilities, though.

How about more of an informative approach? Like why should I custom frame? Then explain things like you should never put photographs against the glazing without some type of spacers. Then go into matting and how there are acid free options. And then go into the backing and explain what happens if they put corragated cardboard behind the picture. From there explain the reasons for a dust cover.
Thanks everyone. I have checked out all the suggestions and found lots of good content. Since this is not a neswletter going to people I know are for sure interested in custome framing, i.e. framing customers, I am planning to focus more on the importance of frame design and how it fits into decor (central of course).

If anyone has any resources to suggest along that line, I'd love to have them.

I think it's hard just to come up with an article for my newsletter. I am already 2 months behind in getting it out. I have already covered all the topics I think my readers would be interested in.

I do think I am going to use an idea from here on the grumble, of having a most interesting Vacation photo contest and giving away $100.00 of free framing.

In answer to your question, I have written articles on...

1. "The Family Gallery" (How to make one and ways and places to hang it)
2. "Framing that great Family Vacation" (to remember for a lifetime)
3. "The Travel Wall" (a great conversation wall to add interest to your home)

I think in my next newsletter I am going to write about how custom framing can make your home "your own". I may title it something like "Make your home your own"
The article will focus on how everybody has Kirkland and Hobby Lobby prints in their home, And how to step outside of the typical home decor and step into your own style. It still needs alot of work on wording, but you get the general idea.

All of the articles I write about, make the reader understand the benefits of Custom Framing!

It is the hardest thing I do as a framer, but it really does help with sales!

Good luck!
I find it funny that most framing virgins have no clue to what custom framing is even about.

People that don't know - need to know the basics of "Why custom frame"!??! Because Aunt Millie gave you this beatiful 17 x 27 needlework piece and "I just can't find a frame it will go in - it's either too long or too short, etc, etc". They will search far and wide to find a frame - not even knowing that we are here to help them!!

The people that do know about custom framing can be inspired with the information about the design, conservation isues and selection of your shop.

My take...

Jennifer, I agree. Writing these things and getting it right is probably the most difficult thing I do. I write and rewrite and rewrite. But in the end I know it's worth the effort.

Sounds like we're thinking along the same lines. I'll send you a copy of what I do, when I've done it.

It's just the opposite with me - plenty of ideas, just no time to write them.

(I think I've said this before, but...)

Get a calendar and decide what topic you want to cover when - for instance of course you'll want to be covering Mothers, and graduations in April - so block out April.

And of course Fathers and weddings in May. Then, gift-giving in November-December, framing vacation memories in August, and sports memorabilia can be tied into any major event such as the Super Bowl in January, Daytona in February, or the World Series in October. (In fact, you could probably cover the "sport of the month" as there's always something going on.)

Once you get your monthly topics lined up, start keeping a file for each month. Everytime you see an article on that particular topic, put it in that file.

Then, when it comes time to write on a specific subject, you'll already have info on that topic.

The problem comes when it's "crunch time" and you don't have a clue what to say.

Judi's right though, there is difference between writing an article from a "journalistic" view point and a "sales" view point. An article for a newspaper or magazine is a little different than your own customer newsletter - but only a little different. Just use the same idea, but change the wording.

On the other hand, though, only those interested in custom framing are going to be reading the articles anyway - so (think positive) and treat them like your customer anyway!