Writers Wanted


Grumbler in Training
Feb 3, 2006
Hi Everyone,

We're a small publsihing company that specializes in discovering new writing talent in various professional fields, including picture framing.

Are you a good communicator?

Currently, we looking for new writers who have ideas, or completed how-to books, on topics geared to professional framing, especially books for those who are new to the field.

No investment is required and we pay generous royalties - up to 25% on each book sold. The industry norm is 10% - 15%. We also provide editing at no charge. If you've got the talent, here's your opportunity to become a published author.

No previous professional writing experience is required, just the abllity to communicate clearly and concisely. Photography skills a plus.

For consideration, please email a description of your qualifications, a small writing sample (up to 300 words), and contact information. No phone calls please.

Thanks for you time. Please feel welcome to re-distribute this post.

Jerri Sandafor
Managing Editor
LOL. I think we had a slightly more sophisticated ausience in mind. But thanks anyway.
Wow, you really do have a coloring book. Sorry if I offended you Hanna.
Would you be interested in the experiences of a person new to business, franchising, and framing as they opened their first store? I feel like I overcame so many difficulties that it might make a good story. The franchise search, financing difficulties, finding a location, contractor woes, permit woes, ADD compliance woes. Woe is me!
What do you intend to do with the content? Are you a publisher? How would you distribute your publications to framers "new to the field"?

If I were an accomplished writer, I would be careful about the ways in which my work would be used.
I'm thinking "A Million Pieces, A True Story of the Picture Frameing Industry" Do you have to be able to speel? Oh, this isn't warped?
Hi Jim,

We publish instructional books, so yes that is what we would do. Your book would be dsitributed and sold via retail booksellers and also via internet sellers such as Amazon. Is that what you were asking?


Although your idea may be viable, it is not our niche so other publishers may be a better choice for your idea. Best of luck.

I just googled this publishing company. nothing, nada. Sounds like BS to me.
This is a publishing co? They have a yahoo e-mail address. This cannot be real. How do like my writing so far.
writting ben vewy, vewy gud 2 me.

ben gud 2 hims/hurs 2.
I agree with Peter, this sounds fishy to me.

Does anyone here have so much free time to write a book??

I'll write a book when I retire.

Can you wait that long??, if yes, please look me up, I will the guy guzzling Sangria be on the beach in southern France or Ixtapa, around sunset time.
Mr. Ackerman,

With all due respect, just why do you think we would be found on Google sir? I think your remarks are rather careless.

Not all companies want to operate the way your business does, but that does not mean they are not legitimate.

There are literally thousands of small publishers, especially those serving niche markets, who do not want to be bombarded by unsolicited manuscripts and other inquiries, as they can be very time consuming and expensive to handle.

I hope you'll consider that in the future before making such reckless comments about someone's business. I'm sure you would take offense if it were your business.

Jerri Sandafor
Seriously folks. I think I might examine this business model.

You know how many $20 customers we have to wade through to get to those that have a real understanding what our craft is about?

I think I will cancel my phone and close my store front. I could then invent some obscure untraceable persona on the internet. I could then stalk those that need pictures framed on the internet.

After they emial me a picture of their project I could take all the time I want to decide if I want to handle a project. We could be baically invisiable and only direct attention to those few that I find worthy of my attention.

I think I'm on to something.

Jerri, do you happen to need any framing? If so could you please email me at imareallygoodframerpromiseiam@yahoo.com I'll wait until I hear from you.

Jamesianer Grepeatiame
why do you think we would be found on Google
Because most legitimate business have a presence on the internet, if not a web site.
Not a mention anywhere is unusual.

Can you give us titles/authors of books that you have published as a reference? A search on Amazon doesn't produce any results.

Originally posted by searchforyourtalent:
I hope you'll consider that in the future before making such reckless comments about someone's business. I'm sure you would take offense if it were your business.
For the record, people have made some reckless comments about Mr. Ackerman's business on this forum, and he's addressed them admirably.

You can glean quite a bit of information about Mr. Ackerman and his business by looking at his profile. Many of us have posted here for quite a while, and some of us are leery of overly anonymous newcomers.

If you choose not to have a web presence that's your choice, but offer another way for us to verify the legitimacy of your business.
Hey guys, ever heard of a dba? or subsidiary? parent company?

While caution should always be used in any solicitation, there is no need to jump all over this, yet.

I do not know this person or the company, but I just talked to a friend of mine in the field who suggested that we ask more questions, such as:

What authors do you currently have IN PRINT.

Can you provide a book title - with its ISBN number - that can attributed without question to your comany?

Lets flesh out this question of who this is and what they do. We just might have an opportunity.

Because most legitimate business have a presence on the internet
Yet almost any rip off company can set up a page for about $100 that could lure anyone in.
I think the best way to legitimize your business on this forum would be to list publications for sale on Amazon, etc. that you have published. This would create a comfort level with all on this site. We do tend to investigate and verify all claims, sometimes to a fault.
This is exciting...you can cut the tension with a knife!
Fellow framers, Jerri Sandafor may have a completely legitimate business - it could be new, or perhaps new to publishing.

This could represent a genuine opportunity for a framer interested in getting published.

On the other hand, Peter's skepticism is healthy and not unfounded. Just as this could be legit, it could be a vanity come-on similar to all of those "Who's Who" books, or the books of poetry promising to publish aspiring poets. Generally, the only buyers of those books are the amateurs who participate in them. Don't ask me how I know that...

So, Jerri, I hope that helps you understand our reluctance to embrace an unknown publisher. You just have to prove your legitimacy and demonstrate your honorable intentions. A complete business address would be a good start.
Originally posted by searchforyourtalent:
[QB]With all due respect, just why do you think we would be found on Google sir? I think your remarks are rather careless.
I would expect to find any reputable publishing company on ALL the search engines. I would also expect any reasonably sized company to at least have its own domain name,and some presence on the internet. I would also not expect it to have a Yahoo email address.
I would also expect your initial contact to to be grammatically correct.
Just in case searchforyourtalent is legit, I have a book on non-CAD surface V-groove designs ready for publishing.
My questions are as follows:
In addition to this 25% commission, is there a signing bonus?
What will be done to promote my book?
Who will hold the copyright?
What kind of statement will I get to keep track of the sales figures?
Will you be offering this book at the Decor & PFM shows?
Will it be sold on the internet?
The people here who have actually bought copies of my book can attest to its merit.
I wouldn't write this off, it could be a viable opportunity; more information is needed.

I think a contract that can be downloaded would be a good start for any business request for a business relationship that is being solicited. A synopsis of the who,what,why, where, of the writing, etc. In other words, DEFINE YOUR REQUIREMENTS, provide more information, and I think you'll get a more positive response.

I can think of people who would be interested, but I think more information is required.

my 2 cents

I would like to apologize for those who have not taken your generous offer seriously.

I am currently researching an instructional framing book. The working title is "Framing With Chicken Wire". Please contact me if you would like a draft.
Originally posted by J Phipps TN:
Where'd he go?
He practicaly had his head bitten off!

If that happened to me as an introduction to this forum, I don't know that I would be back either.

Geeeeeezzzz folks. What does that say about us?

Originally posted by searchforyourtalent:
For consideration, <font color=red>please email a description of your qualifications,</font> a small writing sample (up to 300 words), and contact information. No phone calls please.

Jerri Sandafor
Managing Editor
It appears that this is the very point that is being asked of you, Jerri.

I would say that fair is fair, eh?

Originally posted by J Phipps TN:
Where'd he go?
I think he's a she. Jerri with an I not y oops

The jury is still out for me. I'd like to hear answers to some of the questions other grumblers posed. Face it we all get telemarketed to death and I think everyone is feel ing cautious, there is nothing wrong with that. Getting approached with a sales pitch on a forum like this is like a stranger talking to you through the bathroom door..a little weird. But then again if its legit and at this point its hard to tell more power to her or him or her.
It's a scam.

Legitimate publishers DO NOT solicit manuscripts on internet forums.

Trust me on this.

Vanity presses are gaining respectability lately as the major publishing houses become mired in huge advances to celebrities. Some of them are even getting into marketing and distribution arrangements with BB booksellers like Barnes & Noble.

If you are considering going this route, talk to other authors the press has published. Ask to see a finished product. GET EVERYTHING IN WRITING.

Shop for a publisher the same way you would advise a customer to shop for a framer.

Ah well, shoot. I thought I may have finally found a publisher. Now I'll have to just walk around the NY show with hard copies and CDs of my book trying to sell them one by one and hope I can get a teaching job out of it.
To be fair, she did say early on:
No investment is required and we pay generous royalties - up to 25% on each book sold. The industry norm is 10% - 15%. We also provide editing at no charge. If you've got the talent, here's your opportunity to become a published author.
I took a chance and wrote her an e-mail with her requirements ie:
For consideration, please email a description of your qualifications, a small writing sample (up to 300 words), and contact information. No phone calls please.
There is a chance that this could be a legitimate small company using modern, albeit unorthodox methods to hunt up talent.
If I get a positive response and do decide to go ahead with it, you can bet that I'll retain my copyright and show any contract to a qualified attorney.
It reminds me of those 'Learn To Draw' offers on matchbook covers. You, too, can become a famous artist ...

Well, I wasn't going to say anything, but I am in contact with a woman from Nigeria whose deceased husband managed to squirrel away some money, but she needs my help to access it. I figured, what the hey, it's worth a chance. After all, she emailed me and everything... and I mean, she's a WIDOW!
Wow, what a small world! I just opened up an international account in an off-shore bank with my entire life savings as the opening deposit for almost the same exact kind of situation.

I just love email!
We're a small publsihing company that specializes in discovering new writing talent in various professional fields, including picture framing.
Is it just me, . . . or does that sentence imply that her company has already published books about picture framing?

Or, does it mean that they have discovered the talent, and then not published any books about picture framing?
I was just wondering if he/she is tired of flogging anti-fatige mats and now wants to branch out into the publishing world.... :D

[or doesn't anybody else recognize the writing style and use & meter of certain phrases and words?]
Originally posted by ERIC:
We're a small publsihing company that specializes in discovering new writing talent in various professional fields, including picture framing.
". . . in various professional fields, . . ." What are the other fields??? Plumbing? Fire Fighting? :rolleyes: Give us something else to go on.
Wouldn't you all think one of our trade shows would reach the greatest population of framers? Yes? Have you seen this offer in any of our trade publications? No.

Kit, I am with you. I have always wanted to trace the little drawing and send it in. :D
Baer, I know what you're suggesting, but the IP address is from Sarasota, FL, not Wicklow (and not Springfield.)

Grumblers DO love a mystery.
Sarasota? Good Heavens, Ron. Are you suggesting that Jerri is being less than completely honest about his/her location? Oh, wait. Maybe Springfield is a Sarasota suburb we just haven't heard of before.

Or maybe an Irishman is visiting Sarasota and thinks he's in Springfield.

The plot thickens.
There is, in fact, a Springfield, FL (near Panama City.)

There is probably no state in U.S. that doesn't have a Springfield but I doubt we'll ever know which one is the home of Jeri or of Homer Simpson (both imaginary and entertaining characters.)