WPPFA…..Ron……..and Dermot

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Source RON
“Dermot, from the Be-Careful-What-You-Wish-For department: The final order of business at our WPPFA board meeting last night was a formal request that our chapter president investigate the possibility of making you an official member of our chapter. It was suggested that a new board position (Chapter Ambassador) be created. I believe you would be expected to host a board meeting in Ireland sometime in the next 18 months. Oh, and you'll need a Zip Code. Are your PPFA dues up-to-date?”

Thanks Ron….

We excel in Ireland at hosting overseas conferences ……I have no doubt that our national tourist office would be only to pleased to help in organising a PPFA conference in Ireland….I would of course lend any assistance I could…just name what area of the country you would like….I vote for any area bar Wicklow….I live there :rolleyes: ……I promise you all a wonderful time….

Now for a major problem
…..in the South of Ireland…..there is no such thing as Zip codes……..I know…I know….we must be about the only country in Europe that has avoided this….we like to be different…..though I do think the PPFA have overcome this I think they have a country code that they put in for Ireland….

My membership is up to date….I sorted all that out recently …I’m listed on the PPFA Web site….I have not yet received my membership package….so I cannot give you my membership number…..I expect it is in the mail…..or it may have gone astray!!!!……I did get the PPFA’s “Who’s Who” which would have been posted long after I sent my up to date details for PPFA Membership….I also got a receipt for membership payment from the PMA in the UK who handle the administration side of things for the PPFA in this part of the world………Oh….not to worry about the membership thing if it hasn’t turned up in a few more weeks I will chase it up….I suspect there has been a little glitch in the system
……at worst it is saving the HH from me......

BTW thanks for all your help
….I vote for any area bar Wicklow….I live there
See, there's that language thing again.

I read that to mean you'd vote for any bar/pub in Wicklow. Then I read it again.

The board got very excited when someone mentioned a meeting in Ireland. Vicki Schober wants to bring her golf clubs.

I don't think the zip code issue is insurmountable. I will pester our chapter president mercilessly until this is resolved.

He may decide to just adopt you.
Ron, any other board positions opening up soon? If you guys are going to Wicklow, I want to go too! One of my favorite tv shows was filmed there (Ballykissangel) and it's beautiful there. Besides, one of the pubs was used in the show and I'd love to raise a pint in Fitzgeralds!
Not so fast, Ron.

The St. Louis PPFA chapter may want to bid for Dermot's services as Ambassador as well. The bidding opens at one case of Budweiser (payable to Dermot upon acceptence).

Our first chapter meeting should be held at the K Club in County Kildare. Maybe Dermot can arrange the accomodations for us.
Oh, sure.

Where was the St Louis Chapter when Dermot wanted to know what a "ply" is? (I happen to know that in Missouri, "ply" means "single ply" and refers to the only toilet paper available.)

I also know that Dermot will not be tempted by Budweiser. Even if he were a drinking man, he wouldn't care about Clydesdale urine. He lives in Ireland, for ***** sake!

Sorry, Don. No offense. People in St Louis drive much better than the people in Boston, if it's any consolation.
I’m posting this link to the Irish/UK Grumble http://estlite.scenes.biz/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=118
…. You guys are getting some interest in this part of the world about your PPFA Chapter meeting in Ireland…….. :eek:

If I have some of the detail about how the PPFA works wrong perhaps someone could jump in and correct me……..thanks Guys for your kind attention and feed back…

The St. Louis PPFA chapter may want to bid for Dermot's services as Ambassador as well. The bidding opens at one case of Budweiser (payable to Dermot upon acceptence).
Just a note: Offering a true Irishman beer made from rice may very well get you killed.

edit: oops, Ron caught it first, lol.