Worhol Lifesaver's

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I have a couple of more frames to share. Please excuse the photo's, they were taken before I had equipment to photograph dark objects properly.

This thread is about framing Worhol Lifesavers.


If you look close the fillet is made from 56 real Lifesaver rolls, fitted between two linen mats. For those with bad eyes I found a close up.


When I first thought up this design and tried to build it, I crashed and burned. The lifesavers started falling out within a week. The key was making a form, for the lifesavers to be held, out of 1 x 4 pine.


The curve in the front of the wood must include the depth of the top mat. This means the curve is not centered on the wood frame. The shape was chiseled using an old carving chisel set with round chisels until I got close. I then discovered that a broom my wife just bought had a handle that was the same diameter that the lifesavers were. Cutting about 10 inches off the broom handle to use as a form for sanding, I sanded the wood till it was a perfect fit with the lifesavers. Sizing up the support frame was difficult. Trial and error was the method used. Placing the top mat upside down on the workbench, placing some lifesavers into position and lining up the wood where it should be. I estimated every thing about a 1/8 of an inch big and started shaving the wood until it fit perfect.


The next image show the lifesavers being glued in.


Every lifesaver roll had to be aligned so the lifesaver label was on top.


A bottom mat was made to show about an inch inside the lifesavers and was sized to fit into the 1/8 deep rabbit on the back of the wood frame support. Matboard was use to fill in any excess area. I would then back the bottom mat with a reverse beveled 4-ply rag for additional protection. Time to complete a project like this should be about a day. The total frame job was about $1200.00.

Yes! My wife wanted to beat me with what was left of the broom.

La Marche # 1062 Black Lacquer was the frame used.
Raphael’s Fabrics # 375 Black linen was the fabric.
20 – 1 x 4 pine support frame
3/16 FoamX brand foamcore
56 rolls of Lifesavers

[This message has been edited by framer (edited 01-27-2000).]
Framer ;I love the design but weren't you at all worried about the candy drawing bugs? I recently begged off of a job in which they wanted a Marispon corsage in the frame, for two reasons .First Marispon is very fragile and since it is Merely Alomond paste and sugar I was sure that ants and roaches would somehow find a way into the frame.What do you think?

[This message has been edited by Charles Drago (edited 01-27-2000).]
I never thought of that; however the candy is sealed in the wrapper and is quite airtight.
It might not be as much of a problem as it is down here in the N'Awlins area .