Word Strike Through?


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
Jun 23, 2002
D amn it, can't figure it out :( not yet any how
Care to share that one Ron?
Seen you use it a couple of times.
Pretty cool.
<marquee><font color=purple>Oh, no! We aren't going to have to go through</font> <font color=red>this</font> <font color=purple>again, are we?</font></marquee>

Yes let's go through it again. I'm ready to learn. When you guys were discussing it earlier I wasn't in the place I am now. I am ready to absorb new information. This is what I need to learn:
>Changing colors of your words
>Underlining and crossing out a word

Please oh please wise ones, teach me.
Just leave out the spaces after the <

< marquee>text< /marquee>

< font color=blue>text< /font>
<font color=blue>text</font>

< strike>text< /strike>

< u>text< /u>

< font size=7>text< /font> (try numbers 1-7)
<font size=7>text</font>

These are HTML codes (Hypertext markup language) - similar, but not the same as, UBB codes. HTML codes will not work in topic titles or in signatures. Framer has the option of shutting them off in topic bodies if they are abused or overused. Moderators can't shut them off but they can delete them. It would be preferable for you to moderate yourself.
<marquee>Thanks <strike>Don</strike> Ron I'll try to <font size=7>CONTROL</font> <font color=purple>myself!</font></marquee>
Why is my signature moving also? It is making me dizzy.

Also this is probably a good example of a little knowledge being dangerous, in the wrong hands of course(Less).
It happened because you neglected to put < /marquee> (without the space) after the marquee. WERE YOU PAYING ATTENTION?? I don't think so. Try again or we'll have to revoke your HTML operator's license.
Do ya'll realize for a guy who can't even <U>spell</U> correctly much less type or understand proper <strike>grammer</strike> grammar, your skills are giving me an even <font size=7>bigger</font> <font color= blue>inferiority complex</font>?
Ron am I mistaken or did I get a little (or should I say big )help?
And Now your really rubbing it in .Well Maybe I finally gave you something to laugh about.Thanks.
However you did just what i wanted to try.Can you nest the commands inside each other To produce a <font color=green><marquee><font size=7>large,different colored,rolling marquee text?</font></marquee></font>
Bottom line, geek wanabees: When you see some special formatting on The Grumble that you'd like to use, click on the "Quote" button and you can see exactly what the codes look like.

Buddy, that was ALL you, man!
Ok Ron I know it fits me but all I did was change the color on the first post .However on the second i tried to nest a color with an increase in size and a rolling marquee and it all happened except the color change. So obviously I still don't really understand.
PS But its fun trying.
PPS I found my error (no space between the font and color) fixed it I think,how'd i do this time?
Thanks Ron, It has been quite a techie Saturday. I think this has been the most popular place on the Grumble today. We have all learned something. Ron, you have improved our self esteem today.
I'm gonna try this without looking:

<marquee> Thanks Ron! </marquee>

Woo hoo! Look ma no hands! Like I said I will control myself! Don't want my <strike> liscense </strike> license revoked!
<BLINK>Please don't use this </BLINK>annoying<BLINK> tag</BLINK>

No worries it seems to be turned off!
Kathy! What are you trying to say?

Thanks for taking your clothes off Ron! No BIG mystery! :D
I don't think you can use HTML code in signatures, but you can use the UBB codes. For example, you can use [ i]remove the space[/i] to italicize.

example in my sig:


[ 06-30-2003, 10:18 AM: Message edited by: Mike-L@GTP ]
That will do me! Thank you. I don't need the color. By the way, do you know the UBB code to make writing smaller? I would like to put the author in my quote, but I want it written tiny.
Yea thats because profiles can have UBB code, but not HTML. The font command is an HTML command.


I may be stating the obvious, but you could create a gif or jpeg of your signature in any color/size etc you wanted. One caveat is that graphic files of text tend to be not as sharp as "real" text.

And of course, then you'd also have to have a place to store it and know how to get it there, etc, but Ron has written enough about that to fill several tomes...