MGF, Master Grumble Framer
I usually order moulding in lengths; then store vertically until the art package is completed (which could mean anywhere from 2 to 7 days in storage before I cut and join). Even though I do a cursory check for warpage upon arrival, I sometimes find that the moulding is twisted or dog-legged a bit too much when I cut. Should I be cutting and joining as soon as the moulding arrives?
New Mexico is very dry (except for swampy August). Should I be storing horizontally instead? I have a LOT of stock moulding which came with the shop when we bought it a couple of months ago.
And (last question), is there any way to reverse or correct warpage?
Thanks for any help!
New Mexico is very dry (except for swampy August). Should I be storing horizontally instead? I have a LOT of stock moulding which came with the shop when we bought it a couple of months ago.
And (last question), is there any way to reverse or correct warpage?
Thanks for any help!