Wonderful New Paint!


WOW Framer
Jul 24, 2001
Buffalo, New York, USA/Fort Erie, Ontario, Canada
I just have to tell y'all about the new Krylon Fusion spray paint for plastic. This stuff is absolutely terrific!

They seem to be expanding the available colors and let me tell you, if you have one of those little white plastic rolling carts with the clear drawers and it doesn't match your decor, this stuff works like a dream! The end is a factory finish that is bonded to the plastic.

Years ago I bought one of those "Boby" taboret rolling carts - it started out white. The white turned yellowish over the years, probably due to light. No amount of cleaning helped. So last night I hauled it out to the garage and sprayed it bright screaming red - it was dry to bring in in less than an hour - a smooth glossy finish and very little odor (unlike spray enamels).

Lawn chairs? Mica frames? Platsic frames? Flower pots? This stuff has possibilities, folks!!! I even used it as a base coat on Coroplast for my new side-walk sign - so far it is sun/rain/snow-proof!

It also sprays SO EASILY I am amazed. (and I have been playing with spray paint as an artform since the mid sixties!)

Way to go Krylon!!!!!
Thanks for that tip Mar.
I have some lawn chairs that good use a good coat of paint. They are currently a lovely shade of pepto bismol pink. Actually that particular shade would be a vast improvement.
NEver mind what I'm doing with chairs that color. It's time for a change and now you've given me the solution!
Deb -As long as the chairs are PLASTIC!!! I don't think I've ever seen PINK plastic chairs!!! All they have in stores around here are those awful white, yucky tan and blah green ones.

My lawn chairs (2 metal ones from the fifties, one wicker rocker and some plastic ones) are all coordinated with a red and white Canadian Maple Leaf motif. (Not the team - the FLAG!!!)
That Krylon paint is fantastic! My best friend used it to clean up her parent's wedding cake topper so she could use it for her wedding. The topper was 30 years old, and very yellow. It looked brand new after a couple coats of the white paint.
Sherry - I don't know if purple is available yet - there must be a website for Krylon to find out which colors they have released already. When I first found them last year in Canadian Tire store there were red, blue, yellow, black, white, dark green and dark brown. Now there are many more - but purple? One can only hope.....
<font size=5><font color=purple>PURPLE!</font></font>

I needed some spacer the other day, and the supplier was out of 3/4" FrameSpace in blk.

Krylon to the rescue. FLAT black no less. But I also picked up a can of UW Husky Purple. Come spring, the white resin chairs are NO MORE. Now if they just had a nice gold for the trim work.... :D
University of Washington.

Home of "The Wave"

Home of Huskie Fever

Home of Purple Wave

Home of the unoffical fight song "Tequilla".
Sorry to dissapoint you but it doesn't come in <font color=purple>purple <font=purple>

<font color=black>Baer must be wearing those colored lenses again.

Just do a google search for it and you'll find the website with the color chips. Maybe you could mix a couple of colors and make your own <font color=purple>purple <font=purple>. <black>
When I painted the coroplast for my sign, I worked with a can each of red and yellow to make a big swirl - it ended up orange-y red.

Purple might be doable if you alternated coats of red and blue - just misting them lightly.

Maybe by next year they will come out with purple!