
I have one and I love it! I have found Wizard support to be good when I have had an occasional problem and there haven't been many problems in 2 years. It has allowed me to cut multi layered multi hole mats with ease. And with all the templates it is easy to get creative!
If you can afford one it is a great addition!
If you are not sure if a computer mat cutter is for you, Wizard makes it easy to get started. There is only a small investment in the beginning. I believe that Wizard has a liberal return policy. Although there are some other great machines out there, I liked the idea that I could send it back whenever I wanted to. However once you have a CMC you probably would never dream of sending it back! Also check the archives as alot has been written about the computer mat cutter subject.
Wizard is a great company to deal with. I had one for about four years. Their Tech support is among the best in the industry. Every problem I ever had was taken care of imediatly. The machine itself cuts great mats, user friendly software, easy to understand.

I recently purchased a Fletcher 6100 that I am also very happy with as far as the machine and their Tech support.

Wizard gave me absolutly no grief whatsoever when I baled out of their machine, infact they were downright helpfull when I transfered it to a fellow up in Canada.

If you want to get into a CMC & you don't want to tie up a lot of dollars getting started, Wizzard is the way to to go. The ONLY drawback for me was over the four years, I paid out a considerable sum, & never owned anything, that's why I bought the Fletcher when the oportunity presented itself.

Deb suggested "if you can afford one". Once you have a CMC, you will question how you could NOT afford one. I can not imagin running a frame shop without one.

I absolutely love our Wizard. Although, I never have conquored the CAD program, I have found I can cut any shape by overlapping multiple opening shapes. If you just know the basic principles of drawing you can cut flowers, animals, insignias, anything your mind can dream up.

When I layer shapes, I simply save the design, delete all but a couple shapes and cut a couple at a time on top of each other. I tape in place what is already cut.

I hope I didn't get too zealous here. You should see how our bathroom is decorated with the fallouts.
WE have had ours for a few months... I was very disapointed with the intial exchange.. They sent the machine as they said they would. However never called to see if we had got it and if the setup had gone well..

I guess if you don't pay the extra dollars for them to set it up for you they could care less..

I had one problem so far... The computer has a bad plug on the keyboard and may not boot up.. Not a major deal now, after I found out what the trouble was...

The machine works great all most all of the time.
ever once in awhile it jams in one place and ruins the mat, but it is rare..

I do however insure I have a back up mat for items "needed now"
If not I'll cut it the old fashion way...

I do beleive overall we are better off with it then we were without it....

Step for this machine took less then 1 hour with two men needed to put the unit on the stand.. the stand is the way to go...
In all the years I have been framing, I have yet to get a new piece of equipment that operated flawlesly right out of the box. Any CMC is going to have a few problems at first, just like any other machine. As you get used to them, the problems seem to go away on their own. It's kind of like getting an aquarium for your home. As soon as you quit screwing around with it, except for regular maintenance, and learnig the proper amount of food, the fish stop dying.

As for Wizard not caring about your setting up the machine, when I got mine they never had the option of paying extra to have it installed. They shipped you the machine, the instructions, and a phone number, and it was NOT toll free, in those days, You were on your own. That too proved not to be a problem, you just follow the instalation instructions, step by step. It's actually pretty easy, it's getting past your own aprehension that is the hard part.

I have had my Wizard now for about 2 months and I love it. I was up and running in a couple of hours, the machine is perfectly calibrated ...no overcuts at all. Tech support for me has been very helpful, and have even called a couple of times just to make sure everything is going o.k. The hardest part was getting over the fear of "hurting" the machine, and remembering to reset the depth of the blade for the different thicknesses of mat. I am still working on the CADD, but have the basics down enough that I can turn out simple designs in a fairly short amount of time. I have a very small shop and felt like the Wizard was a way of getting a CMC that I could afford, and see if I could make it pay for itself. I know the other brands have much better features, but for me the Wizard is good enough for now.
We were the first client in Iowa and one of the first in the midwest and have always been happy with the wizard since day one!

Last year we were having some minor problems with it that just never seemed to be corrected, Wizard had one of their reps make a special trip in to our store when he was over 100 miles away on business. He could not figure it out so they sent us a new one, no charge, no hassle.

After talking to their tech people after they got our old one, the only answer that they came up with is that it was the first one that they have had wear out (we used it 362 days a year for around 7 years)

I fully recomend Wizard for their great product and superior service. The only time that I plan on calling them again is around 7 years from now when I wear out this one!
Originally posted by Leslie S.:
[QB] Tech support for me has been very helpful, and have even called a couple of times just to make sure everything is going o.k.

I like the machine.. It is perfect for what we do with it.. Don't get me wrong here... My only concern is they really should have given us a call to insure it arrived... Calling or sending out a how's it going card would be a wonderfull thing in my book..

I have told those who look at it and ask if it is worth it. YES it is...

I tell them go with the Wizard and if you wear it out in a couple of years buy a Fletcher...If you do not wear it out, you are way ahead of the game...

We got the standard rather then the junior..(more corners) What we do now is save up all those little cut outs and when a customer spends the magic amount($200.00) we give them a speciality cut mat out of the book for free in 5X7 or 8X10..We are sure they have a photo around the house...

We keep the samples right next to the 5x7/8x10 ready made frames that are on sale....