Wizard's new software version 5


SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
In Memorium
Rest In Peace

Gone but not forgotten
Dec 7, 2001
Wizard Int. has come up with some very very nice features on this version. Just to name a few
You can rotate a opening
You can rotate lettering
You can arch(FAN)a group of openings
You can add openings and the outside of the mat will automaticaly resize
You can overlap openings(merge)
You can copy and paste openings and clip art
More clipart (cutart)than you can ever use
Multiple adjustable guides for layout

Whoops customers call gotta go.

These are only a few of the new things they have added that I have mentioned
Maybe some of the other beta testers can add a few more.
Keep up the good work Wizard Int.

PS Brian W. keep those Designs coming
Gumby, when did you receive your updated version? I've been anxiously waiting since I saw it in Vegas at the WCAF show.

Langley House Gallery
Spring, TX
Gumby: please clarify. are you saying this is a new CD upgrade to the old wizard? Or are you talking about the new wizard???
We are using a beta 5.0 test program and ours may not be the very latest edition Wizard has sent out for testing.

We have found a few items which need to be corrected before its released to all Wizard users.

The multi-opening and alignment section needs a little more refinement before the gereral release.

We agree it is a great improvement over the program now in use and it has a lot of new improvements (noted in post above)
The new 5.0 software will be released soon. I saw it this weekend and it is impressive. It will work on 5000 machines with a few limitations which I think WizardEdd discussed on a thread back in January or February.
It is the new 5 ver.
If you got your Wizard news letter it says it will be released soon. We are just helping to round some edges on it before released. Let me just say I am finding it harder to think of things it can't do now.
Just relax Software people can only work so fast. These guys are really good!!!
:D :cool:
I saw a demo of the new software in New York and all I can say is WOW. It's a very flexible design program, and the new machine is almost silent.

We don't currently own a CMC, but it's on the wishlist for this coming year - and it will be a Wizard. Once the economy recovers a bit, we look forward to ordering ours.


PS: If Wizard is looking for any more technically oriented people for alpha or beta testing, let me know - i'm interested.

[ 03-25-2003, 03:00 PM: Message edited by: RHODY ]

If you are interested in a copy of our demo software, I would be happy to send you one. That way you can use it, and learn it so when you get your Wizard you are off to the races.

Send me an address and I will get a demo version in the mail to you.

By the way, our software department appreciates the nice comments, they worked very hard on the new version.

[ 03-25-2003, 05:16 PM: Message edited by: WizardEdd ]
If you cut a lot of multi opening mats waite till you get your hands on the 5 ver. The merge feature of multi openings is so cool! :cool: You can even merge the cut art openings. :D This could be really creative.

[ 04-03-2003, 09:59 PM: Message edited by: GUMBY ]