

CGF, Certified Grumble Framer
Jun 4, 2004
Where is the volume on the wizard comp? Do I have to be on line? I own two comp. They are on the front of the screen. I can not hear Brien talk on his cd. Help Kim
It's right next to the cup-holder.

You may have a volume control on your speakers. There is also a volume control in the system tray for Windows that is software controlled.

Are you getting the normal system sounds? If not, you may have a sound card or driver problem or you may have your sound muted.

Or maybe Brian is playing a little trick and just moving his lips without actually saying anything.
either that or the speaker might be in the wrong plug in the back of the PC

I was thinking the same thing. The computer that Wizard provided did not come with speakers.

Are you sure you have speakers Kim?
Unless the soundcard was integrated into the motherboard, it doesn't come with that either.
I pluged headphones in once when I wanted to watch a video on Wizards computer. It had sound but I had to go find it.
You have to add external speakers. The integrated sound card in my Wizard machine is actually pretty good. When I play MP3's in the store I often have customers ask about the music.

You do need to buy good quality speakers to get good quality sound. I have ALTEC Lansing in the Concord store, BOSE at home. If you have a BOSE store in your area, go there and listen to the PC speakers. You will be amazed.
Hi Kim, getting the sound to work on your Wizard PC depends mostly on how old your PC is. Somehow I doubt you're one of our users still running Windows 3.1 on a 486, but you would need at least a computer shipped with XP to get full sound capabilities out of the box (and by adding your own speakers). Some of the older PCs have an audio jack coming out of just the CD drive but that doesn't work for anything other than playing music CDs.

But if you do have a Wizard XP computer, then Ron is correct - the sound is mainly software controlled and accessible via a little icon in the lower right of your screen, or also through the Control Panel -> Sound and Audio Devices...

Hope that helps,
Well, geez, the E-Machine that came with the Mat Maestro had speakers - a couple of 1-1/4" woofers.

'Course, the computer itself died after 90 days and I've been running the CMC off my laptop ever since.

Kim: No, a Google search for Mat Maestro won't turn up with anything useful. A real search for the president of the bankrupt company that made them has been equally unproductive.

Luckily, I am not bitter. :rolleyes:

No offense, but do you have a geek friend? Everybody should have a geek friend, unless they have a teenager at home. Teenagers come with the geek gene, even when their parents don't have it.

They are all mutants.
Sorry, my Marvin Brecht/Mat Maestro/RCI rant is on the wrong thread. Boxer1 was the Grumbler that did a Google search on Mat Maestro and came up blank.
OK, it dosent come with speakers.It came with XP. It is a cd of Brien Wolf talking about the wizard. Love the wizard Thanks Kim
You can get some cheap computer speakers ($10-$12) almost anywhere or you can spend a few dollars ($100+) for really impressive sound for music files.

Either approach should allow you to hear what Brian is saying. (Here's a hint: He's saying, "First, connect your speakers so you can hear what I'm saying.")
(Here's a hint: He's saying, "First, connect your speakers so you can hear what I'm saying.")

Well, Kim, if you have XP then look on the back of the PC and you should see three audio jacks in a row - one pink, one green, and one blue. Plug your speakers into the blue one.

Then go in to the control panel (it's right off the Start button menu) and look for Sounds, Speech And Audio devices. That should contain all the necessary controls to check the sound.

If sound still doesn't work, you may want to double check the speakers themselves. It's pretty rare for the on-board sound to fail in newer PCs...
As long as it hasn't been disabled by the EVIL Wizard :D

Steve is actually Gandolf
We've had a long standing arguement here about whether or not we should provide sound out of the box for our users, and in the end sound lost out since we could never justify it as an absolute necessity. At least the newer systems come with sound built in - the older boxes needed an extra card put in the PC.

The first thing I did when the shop I worked at back in '96 got it's Wizard was to stick a Sound Blaster in the 486. RAM was still too expensive at $50 a meg, so we had to live with only 4 megs of RAM for a while.

Steve is actually Gandolf
I'd like to consider myself more the Neo type, but I'm rapidly heading in the Gandalf direction. Maybe more like Luke Skywalker two episodes past RotJ...
Originally posted by WizSteve:
I'd like to consider myself more the Neo type, but I'm rapidly heading in the Gandalf direction. Maybe more like Luke Skywalker two episodes past RotJ...
Yeah, Right! And I'm R2D2
Well Jerry than I gess you are R2D2. It also has a lazer printer that is great for mass producing fliyers for events that I have.
Actually Jerry is very similar to R2D2, except when he is walking all leaned over. How's the back, Jerry?

Well Bet,
I went in for my first epidural today, it was REAL interesting. I have two more to go. I'll let you know Monday if it helps.