We've just been learning from all of you for the past couple of months. Here is my 2 cents regarding the Wizard vs Fletcher. We have owned both and there is really no comparison.
We looked at both the Fletcher and the Eclipse at the Dallas trade show. Mechanically, both machines are comparable and would be a flip of a coin. They are beefy. The Fletcher weighs in around 750 pounds shipping weight. Wizard 120 pounds shipping. The Eclipse uses the same blade as the Wizard and it is a wider, thicker blade which, in my opinion, restricts the minimum radius of cut. The Fletcher uses a much thinner and narrower blade and has the potential to be able to cut a smaller radius.
Fletcher uses an Industrial Grade computer rather than an "off-the-shelf" consumer computer. Historically, reliability is much greater with this type of component. Most other CMC us Dell, Gateway or some other generic computer.
The only difference that I could find and also was admitted by both Fletcher and Eclipse teams is that Fletcher handles all of their own technical support. The only equipment that the Fletcher techs deal with is the 6100. Eclipse depends upon local reps to handle their service. This rep might also service other brands of framing equipment or might even be a moulding rep. My Opinion is that a tech trained to service only one piece of equipment will provide better service than a "jack of all trades".
Service. When you call for help, you will always talk to the same techical support team... not a different person every time you call. Service unequaled by anyone else that I have chosen as a business partner in years. Always a friendly voice on the phone. This type of equipment is their only business.
Price. Both machines are $24,000 but our monthly note on the Fletcher is not much greater than the rental of the Wizard.
Delivery. Fletcher did not want me to have to worry about anything to do with delivery. They arranged it all. My parameters were that delivery was required on a Monday morning since we are closed on that day and setup and training would minimize any impact on our customers. It cost a little more for shipping, but they took care of all of it. Their technician was present to supervise unloading the delivery truck. The tech brought special dollies to put the machine on outside of the crate. The only thing that I was required to supply was 3-4 people to lift the machine from the crate to the dolly (about 15 minutes).
Space. The Fletcher and Eclipse are larger than the Wizard by a few inches, but actually take up less room or allow me to utilize space a bit more efficiently.
Training. The Fletcher tech gets the machine up and running in a few hours and then spends the remainder of the first day and most of the second day in training sessions. The level of basic computer literacy will affect the training curve. Things go much quicker if everyone has a general knowledge of Windows 98.
Use. Fletcher based their screens upon the Wizard and Eclipse screens. Things are fairly intuitive and very user friendly.... at least for me. My test of "user friendly" is if I can install and run an application without opening the instruction manual. It passes that test.
Custom Designs. If you can make an accurate drawing, call the Fletcher team and they will work with you to make the file that the machine will cut.
Don't get me wrong, the Wizard did its job the first year. It performed the work of an employee at a fraction of the cost. Technical support was a major problem. I know of 2 other framers who had Wizard show up to "fine tune" their machine. After the tech left, it took days to put the machine back to the condition prior to factory tech tuning. We became very picky as time went on. Overcuts are just not allowed. We will have the CMC stop the cut short and manually complete the cut before opting for overcuts.
If you like, Fletcher will gladly send you a demo copy of their software which is always being upgraded.
The Frugal Framer
Coeur d'Alene, ID
(Core-duh-lane, Eye-duh-hoe)