Wizard Virtual Gallery

Bob Shirk MCPF

CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Dec 27, 2000
Shippensburg, PA USA
We got our new Wizard Virtual Gallery disc 42 two days ago and loaded it onto our PC. WOW !!! What an improvement. The programers at Wizard deserve some ataboys. The program moves much faster. The search goes much more quickly. The images are larger and seem to be clearer than they were in the past versions. If you have the "poster" version you no longer see the "LE" stuff at the search screen. The program has not locked up since I installed it. Thanks to the crew at Wizard. If anyone out there is thinking about using Wizards Virtual Gallery Give it another look, it is much improved.
If only they would do something with the Integrated Framer. We have been waiting 2 years for improvements (although Wizard has not had it that long). Every time we call, we are told improvements will be in the next release, yet release after release comes our way with the same old crap. Extremely frustrating, but I guess we must be the only ones using it.

Scott Fuller
Milwaukee, WI
What sort of problems have you encountered with the Integrated Framer program? We've looked into it, but use a Mac and don't want to deal with buying an additional program to run it without knowing how well it works. What glitches are you waiting for them to fix? If they are fixed in the new version, would it still be worth buying the program? Any info would be helpful.
