SGF, Supreme Grumble Framer
A while back there was some posts regarding the Wizard and trading in and stuff. They thread then went towards using the software and this, that and the other thing.
WizardEdd asked me to comment on my learning curve with the VCADD software, others have posted that the've used it and find it easy and more have posted that it was hard to use.
Well I've completed my first project on VCADD and here's the rest of the story......
Originally, I scanned in an image in Corel Draw and moved it to VCADD via a dxf file. VCADD saw it with no problems and when I sent it to the tracing page it saw it fine, only when I went to cut it it wanted to use about 600 corners, this was not cool. What I did was this, I redrew the scanned image in VCADD by using circles and stuff, reading the directions in the downloaded VCADD manual and using 3 point arcs and snapping to points. I did this right on top of the scanned image and then when I was finished I deleted the scanned image. What I ended up with was the Logo of the company that I work for. It took 28 corners to cut, which isn't bad, but the size was larger than I would have liked. I still don't have my scanner reconnected to my new computer as I'm still trying to find a compatible board but when I do I'll show all the image.
If you have any questions ask away, I am still learning the software and have a way to go. Then again I know about 1/100th of Corel and what it can do. All in all it wasn't necessarily easy to use VCADD but it wasn't impossible, I believe if I had a good full day to devote to the software I would be kicking out some interesting designs. I do believe that at this point I can accomplish what I set out to when I purchased the software.
Be aware that the VCADD software is an additional $150.00 with the Wizard Jr. Program and is included free with the regular rental program. I still believe that the $150.00 was a good purchase for me.
Also, let me say, that I did all this without contacting the Help Desk, but I am sure that the few problems I had could be fixed by them.
Just my take on things,
WizardEdd asked me to comment on my learning curve with the VCADD software, others have posted that the've used it and find it easy and more have posted that it was hard to use.
Well I've completed my first project on VCADD and here's the rest of the story......
Originally, I scanned in an image in Corel Draw and moved it to VCADD via a dxf file. VCADD saw it with no problems and when I sent it to the tracing page it saw it fine, only when I went to cut it it wanted to use about 600 corners, this was not cool. What I did was this, I redrew the scanned image in VCADD by using circles and stuff, reading the directions in the downloaded VCADD manual and using 3 point arcs and snapping to points. I did this right on top of the scanned image and then when I was finished I deleted the scanned image. What I ended up with was the Logo of the company that I work for. It took 28 corners to cut, which isn't bad, but the size was larger than I would have liked. I still don't have my scanner reconnected to my new computer as I'm still trying to find a compatible board but when I do I'll show all the image.
If you have any questions ask away, I am still learning the software and have a way to go. Then again I know about 1/100th of Corel and what it can do. All in all it wasn't necessarily easy to use VCADD but it wasn't impossible, I believe if I had a good full day to devote to the software I would be kicking out some interesting designs. I do believe that at this point I can accomplish what I set out to when I purchased the software.
Be aware that the VCADD software is an additional $150.00 with the Wizard Jr. Program and is included free with the regular rental program. I still believe that the $150.00 was a good purchase for me.
Also, let me say, that I did all this without contacting the Help Desk, but I am sure that the few problems I had could be fixed by them.
Just my take on things,