Wizard Stand


True Grumbler
Apr 8, 2002
Does anyone have any idea or plans to make a free standing support for a Wizard computerized mat cutter?
Hello CTC

You may receive some replies, but just in case here are some links where this has been discussed in the past. Wizard can fax you the specifications for the unit, as well.

In our shop we built a box from 3/4" particle board, which also serves as a storage unit. This has worked very well, and also holds the PC. a bad photo of ours, with dimensions: http://www.getthepictureframing.com/gfaq/table.htm

Here are some other threads which discussed this:






There is another with several photos, but I can't seem to find it. Perhaps folks can post some photos in this one.

When I was at Wizard last week, Steve said something about the new stands....

Steve; HELP.

. . . of course that was right before he showed me some of the most increadable artwork... all out of matboard. :eek:

So, what do YOU think I remembered?
I thought the one you can get from Wizard was well worth the price. Lightweight and easy to put together and move.

my 2 cents

Wizard currently sells a nice convertible free-standing unit - 2 different angles or mount it to your wall (I think, I not as familiar with the stand design as our sales team).

At the shop I worked at 10 years ago, we built a simple matboard storage unit about 33" high to store full sheets in horizontally, and then just placed our Wizard on top of that, leaving enough room on the end for the monitor, keyboard and mouse. The 41" of depth gave a pretty good angle on the CMC, but you still had to worry about the occasional drop-outs.. really though, warped matboards are the most problematic in my experience as they tend to bow out when cutting.

At the shop I manage now, our CMC is mounted to a pair of 4x4s running from the floor to the ceiling about 2 or 3 inches away from the wall. I didn't ask why, but I'm assuming that the previous owner did that because the neighboring tenant was complaing of the noise (its a 5000 - when that thing plunges you can feel it
). But its mounted at the steepest angle and doesn't take up that much room - we have the fridge and a shelf unit to hold the PC and stuff...

As Baer said, we are looking at another stand design, but nothing is concrete about it yet.. I'll hopefully know more about it next week. I'm pretty stoked about it though, and can't wait to get one for my shop..

Where in Iowa are you at? We have a 8000 that is mounted to the wall, takes less of a footprint. Let me know if you want to come look at it.

Our design is one from Wizard but I am sure that once you see it you could buy the parts yourself. Or I think that it was like $75-100 from them.

If you have the 5000 I think that I still have all of our mounting parts for that on a wall if you are intersted in buying.