Wizard for sale


PFG, Picture Framing God
Jul 12, 2001
Middleburg, FL
semi retired
I have a gently used Wizard mat cutter for sale.
It was installed in January of 2000 and I'm still using the original box of blades!

If anyone is interested please contact me directly...I'll be listing it on Ebay in the near future.

you can email me at artgal7@yahoo.com
or call
(904) 264-7151
More pertinent information regarding the machine.
It's a Wizard 5000 running the 4.8 software. I orderd the new software back in the fall but...

Asking price$8000.
I have been told by the folks at Wizard that they would continue to provide customer support after the sale.
Yes, it is still for sale.

Yes, the computer comes with it.

Buyer pays shipping and crating costs.

No Jerry, I'm afraid I can't accept $650 in cash!

OK, Deb, how about this for a deal.

You don't have to send me any chocolate chip cookies for the moulding I sent AND (this is the big closing) I'll come down and pick it up and I won't embarass you in front of ANY of your customers!!

But, I'm afraid that Jerry's bid went way over what I can afford right now.

(Also, and now I am reaching a bit, if you EVER come up to the Panhandle, I will take you out to the very BEST steamed seafood restaurant on the Gulf coast!!)

<font size=1>Dessert not included.</font> :D

OK, now I am exhausted!!

(I didn't realize that cutting these big money deals was so hard!!) How does the "Donald" do this on a daily basis?? :eek:

You offer is tempting but I don't think that dinner will help me pay the bills here.

I'll still send something baked and chocolate for the moulding you sent as soon as I buy some more ingredients.
I've been indulging in chocolate therapy this week. :D
Why are you selling it, may I ask? Is price negotiable?
Framer says he loves his new 8000

What, if any, are the major differences between the 5000 and the 8000?
The 8000 cuts 8 ply mats, the 5000 doesn't.
I think the 8000 may be able to do smaller radius cuts too.

The new software is evidently quite different...that's why they are sending it out very slowly.
I haven't seen it yet so don't know for sure.
does it need compressed air?

Will it sit on a table top?
It needs very little compressed air. 80psi min, with very low demand. It'll sit on a table, or hang on a wall.

We have an 8000 and never had the 5000, but I understand one of the major differences is the blade changing process. With the 8000, you just move a lever and the blade assembly pops out. The blade is magnetically held in place and changes in seconds, without removing set screws.

The 5.0.3 software is extremely well done and stable. The MERGE and FAN commands are especially useful, and they've "set the bar" IMO. It's so easy, anyone can be cutting multi opening/multi layer mixed mats the very first day. I think a lot of folks were intimidated by the new software, simply because they were accustomed to the older version. 5.x is much more powerful, but things are in different places.
will the 5000 cut 6ply?

[ 02-28-2004, 08:50 AM: Message edited by: lessafinger ]