Hi folks,
My name is Jim Brown. I manage all software development at Wizard and am ultimately responsible for what cuts and what does not cut on the Wizard from software. I rarely post because Dani and Customer Support do an awesome job of keeping up with your issues. Still, I wanted to jump in here to make sure you all get the bottom line about cutting fonts and perhaps answer some more questions. I don't want anyone to feel they aren't getting complete answers or a complete understanding.
To be sure, we have dedicated extensive test/quality assurance resources for installs, updates, features, CutArt, templates and lettermat fonts. TrueType (TT) fonts are different. TT fonts were designed for printing, not cutting. We cut them because many framers asked us to include TT fonts, even knowing we could not guarantee them. However, they still create great designs with some TT fonts. If some of those framers are reading this, maybe they could share which TT fonts they use and what limits they found.
For fonts, we approach testing a bit differently. Wizard creates and certifies LetterMat fonts at the normal aspect ratio (i.e., KAR) and a minimum size. However, we do not certify TrueType fonts at all - at any size. Further, it is simply not possible to test all, or most, true type fonts (thousands) at all sizes (hundreds) and aspect ratios (tens). 10,000 x 100 x 50 = at least 50,000,000 possibilities! By the way, aspect ratio matters because it can make even a big size font "skinny" which has sharp angles and small radius corners. Even if we cut just 100 TT fonts at 1" and one aspect ratio times 26 letters and upper and lower, it’s still a significant task to test even a small number of TrueType fonts.
To summarize, TT fonts have never been guaranteed and are included because some framers like to use some TT fonts. While we do not have any current plans to change our support for TT fonts, we always welcome your specific feature ideas – especially where it can make a difference on your bottom line.
I hope this helps. I would love to answer more questions in detail (sorry, I always write a book

) if you like.
Jim Brown
Manager Software
Wizard International, Inc.
Grumble user name = Jim@wiz