Wizard buys Eclipse

Great!! Does this mean that people will now have to buy corners to run their Eclipse??
Interesting. My husband and I went up two weeks ago Friday and received training and picked up our Wizard CMC from their place in Washington. While we were loading up our CMC in the warehouse, they (all the employees) were having a meeting in the warehouse. I heard the words "Eclipse" and "big competition" in the same sentence, but didn't hear anything else.

I wish Wizard well and am very pleased with our CMC. I can't believe we went seven years without it.
THIS aught to make the Tuesday night "Limo/Chinese Dinner" very lively.. :D

I guess all of the newbie wannabes are not happy that they have driven the giants to join forces.
"Is Maestro far behind?"

Yes Bob... WAY behind!! Behind the dumpster, around back.
Great!! Does this mean that people will now have to buy corners to run their Eclipse??
Hah.. I know you're probably joking (you ARE joking, aren't you?
), it will be business as usuall for Eclipse. We're in the process of relocating operations, and we obviously want to keep things as smooth as possible. We definately would love to hear from Eclipse owners directly about what kind of changes (or no changes) they would like to see. Fixing some of their website issues is probably going to towards the top of the list.
Yes, Steve, I'm joking. You can relax now.
And feel free to contact me when you are looking for ideas/comments.

Especially that I have just bought a new Dell computer for the Eclipse so I can then upgrade the system for it. I know I'm going to go crazy doing this as it is a PC and I use Macs for all of my art and photo printing so I have no idea what all of those drives...A, B, C, D... etc. are all about. :eek:

This will be interesting to see what gets added and what gets discarded.
Unfortuantely, that's one thing I can almost garuntee won't happen. The drivers we use to run the machines generally aren't available for the Mac, and we're pretty much a Microsoft development house as it is. We breifly looked at going to Linux to keep costs down (as some of the compilers I used are cross platform with Linux), but the compatibility and support issues were a nightmare.

Then again, now that Macs are available with Intel chips in them, who knows what the future may bring. But that at least would be waaaaay off in the distant future.
Steve, Chris Naito commented that he is going off to get trained on the new Eclipse software....

Is that going to get integrated or still just Eclipse for a few years?
Baer, dont' really know yet.. we're sending out a survey to all the Eclipse users, and included in that is a question about how satisfied they are with the current software - basically to see if they want us to continue development on the new Nexus software, or for us to port our MatDesigner software to the Eclipse. The latter is preferable to me, as its a stable and mature program.

Basically, it comes down to if Eclipse users want something right away (MatDesigner) or are they willing to put up with all the problems with Nexus while we digest and assimilate the Eclipse code-base (which is undocumented btw).

Ultimately we want to make all the Eclipse users happy and welcome, but if they're not happy to begin with they need to tell us ASAP.

Did that answer your question? ;)
As a satisfied Wizard CMC user, I would like to welcome all the Eclipe users to our Wizard family.

The Wizard staff have been wonderful to us, as I'm sure you will find out. (And Tech Support rocks!

Waltman Originals
Byram, MS
or are they willing to put up with all the problems with Nexus while we digest and assimilate the Eclipse code-base (which is undocumented btw).
speaking as a former programmer----you guys really REALLY dont want to open this can of worms!!!! a project of this scope is hemeroidal enough with GREAT documentation...cant begin to tell you what a bundle of joy its gonna be (& how long it will take to actuall DO the converting & then complete the LONG painful process of fixing all those things that really werent in the original & dont work in the overall scheme-and changing things to make these same things work/fit into the new structures).

everyone looses & everyone gains in a buyout/sellout situation...usually ends up almost noone is satisified with the end results---the new guys arent comfortable with the new stuff & the old guys dont like whats happened to 'their' systems(to accomodate the news guys stuff)!!!
whichever path WIZ takes--lets us hope they have enough time/money/resource to encorporate all the "GOOD" stuff that made Eclips buyers buy that one instead of WIZ, yes?

never enough time to do it right, but ALWAYS enough time to correct it!!!! LOL
Wizard logo with a eclipse moon!~