Wizard Acquires Eclipse


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
May 4, 2004
Alberta, Canada
MUKILTEO, Wash. and DRAPER, Utah - January, 19, 2006 -- Wizard International, Inc. today announced that it has agreed to acquire Eclipse's computerized mat cutter product line. Both Wizard and Eclipse are leading CMC manufacturers with over 22 years of combined experience in the framing industry.

Wizard will merge the Eclipse product line with its existing line of CMC's and software products. The merge will bring together two of industry's strongest CMC brands to offer framers the largest selection of CMC's and framing technology worldwide.

Both Wizard and Eclipse are executing an integration plan to ensure a smooth transition for both companies' customers. Plans are already in the works to transfer all manufacturing, sales and support operations for all of Eclipse's customers to Wizard's headquarters in Mukilteo, Wash. Wizard's current operations will not be affected by this new product offering. Current Wizard and Eclipse customers will continue to receive the same level of customer service and technical support they have come to expect.

"This is an exciting time for both brands," said Rob Clark, Wizard General Manager. "We aim to make this transition as smooth as possible and to put the needs of both Wizard and Eclipse customers first."

Established in 1994, Wizard began selling the first CMC to custom framers. Wizard continues to be an innovative technology solution provider in the picture framing industry with over 4,800 machines placed worldwide. For more information on Wizard International, Inc. and its product line of custom framing products, call toll free 1-888-855-3335 or visit www.wizardint.com.
Wow! News sure takes a long time to get to the Great North White.

This made the financial internet news back about thursday....

just ribbing ya boxer....
What can I say??? The dogsled just pulled in!

I realize that Baer... I hadn't seen a post here pertaining to it so I'd thought I'd plug it in for those who were unaware.
Well, Yeah Ron, I sure would like to take that on this morning.

I have used the Wizard for the last 9 months and have a basic knowledge of its capacity. Although I have no knowledge of the Eclipse machine, I would speculate that, with most mergers of 2 unique products, some of that uniqueness will be lost in one or the other product, usually the adoptive "child".

Good thing, bad thing? I suppose that will be told in how the merger is accepted by the industry and what type of changes are made to adapt each machine to the other's capabilities and target market. Maybe Wizard will keep their machine as it is, rent to own, lease, etc. and use the E-machine as a sale item or possibly use both to focus on the high end/low end market for CMC's.

The competition is becoming much stiffer for CMC's with the foreign models offering US sales and support. This may have the effect of placing a self-imposed ceiling on the purchase prices of these revolutionary machines or a whole entourage of new and innovative bells and whistles to add to their offerings. Either way I can envision the widespread use of these semiautomatic mat cutters in the future as more and more framers find out how fast and flexible these really cool machines can be.
