Wizard 8000 letter cuts


CGF II, Certified Grumble Framer Level 2
Dec 15, 2004
I have big problem cutting letters with the 8000 in anything other than aspect ratio. This means the letters will all be squared up, and I can cut most letters tall and narrow, but not the ones with round radii, such as the O,B,R, etc. It may be that the only solution is to cut in aspect ratio, but the prior programs would allow me to cut all letters in a more narrow and tall version without problems.
I love the new program and will live with the square letters if need be.
What is the problem you're having? and at what size? what font?

I don't notice any problem, but we need more data to help.
From what I understand, you can still cut the letters without using the aspect ration, Wizard will just not garantee they will cut correctly. I use the Photo Mat 2 font and I don't cut my letters square, and so far I have had a few letters that won't cut all the way thru, so I just use my razor blade.

Hope this helps.
Using photo 2, 3.875 height and width 2.25+, most letters cut fine, but not the ones normally with a curved radii, such as 0,B,R,U, especially the O seems to always get me.
I get a lot of broken blades when trying to cut the other fonts, and letters not cutting out completely when making ajustment for depth.
I got one of the first 8000's off the line and they may have changed the head after a few months, I don't know.
Wizard tried to help me, but will not quarrantee a cut if not in aspect ratio, which is squared..
